I have never identified a need to use it
Don't use linux.
I have never identified a need to use it
Don't use linux.
I mean, curiosity is good enough reason. Worked for me some 15 years ago.
True, but then one wouldn't ask so hesitantly but just dive in. So curiosity seems to be missing.
This very much.
The reason I switched was the forced updates that kept slowing down my computer when I needed the juice and network. Also there was a constant pressure to "upgrade" to win11.
OP, If you don’t have many major grievances with windows, it might not be worth switching. Nothing stopping you from taking a look in case you might like it. I have enjoyed my experience so far, despite some small issues.
It's hard to have a clean windows install. Forced update? Now you have a weather widget. Installed an app? New icon on desktop. Don't use onedrive? Fuck you here's the unremovable shortcut in filexplorer.
When I switched I was just curious. (Love to tinker with something for hours) But now I think the other way round. Why switch to a non open source OS when I can do everything on a free one (both meanings). Granted professional work is still very much reliant on special software made for windows
We‘re on a linux community and someone says they don’t see the need to use it and people will upvote „don’t use linux“.
I‘m exceptionally baffled. Why does one say this, why without context, what was the intension? So many questions.
I for one think you don’t need a reason to use linux. Just get rid of people making money off your back thats reason enough.
If one doesn't have any reason to use it or any problem it should solve, the motivation to learn new workflows and to investigate upcoming problems is typically low. That can only lead to frustration and finally wasted time.
I'll preface this with: If you like Windows and don't particularly care for Linux experiences, that's ok. Not everyone needs to use Linux - the world is more interesting with variety.
For me, I hate when my computer does things that I don't tell it to. I also hate ads. These, along with but really using it for a decade were deal breakers for me with windows.
Some things that Linux has that Windows does not:
For distros that work well with steam, I definitely suggest Linux Mint or Ubuntu for beginners. They're just way more "batteries included". However, if you could also give SteamOS, the distro developed by Valve (on top of Debian) a try and it will probably work quite well.
Most of all, have fun, whether you decide to take Linux for a spin or not.
+1 for the package manager. No need to find some website to download what you want while having to worry about whether you're at the right one and if you're going to download a virus or ransomware or something. I can't believe that's the normal way to install software on windows, download something from a website and hope it's the right thing. Much better to browse a bunch of software that is designed to work well on your system and is free besides.
One big thing for me is that linux doesn't try to push you to do anything. I run simulations and they are a pain to set up again sometimes so having the computer decide to update itself out of the blue is completely unwanted. Linux will wait until you are ready. This can have a downside if you don't keep up on updates, but it's far less a concern than it is in the Windows ecosystem.
This is a positive take. No OS is perfect, but there are lots of reasons to give a Linux distro a whirl. Tech right now IMO has become disappointing, but Linux continues to be a shining beacon of fun and hope.
Technically, Windows does have a native package manager – the Microsoft Store or whatever it's called. But yeah, it sucks.
For a normal Desktop user nowadays I think Linux is just not worse than Windows. Don't ask what Linux can do what Windows can't, ask what Windows is doing what Linux isn't: Spying on you, installing software you neither want nor need, forces you to use software you don't want, forces you to connect your local account with an online account, forces recent hardware on you and in the future, forces you to move all your data into the cloud. And all that while charging you a few hundred moneys. Linux just doesn't do that (well, depending on the distro of course).
For newcomers and non-techies I'd recommend Ubuntu or Ubuntu based distros. Plain Ubuntu is the distro which in most parts 'just works'. If you're looking for something which looks more like Windows have a look at Linux Mint Cinnamon. Linux Mint Mate (or XFCE) is a great choice if your computer is a bit older. I also mention Kubuntu because KDE is the a very popular desktop but rather demanding (but also feature rich), it may also feel more natural for people switching from Windows.
All of them will run Steam without trouble, but be aware that playing Windows games on Linux can in some cases be troublesome and require manual fixes. Maybe look beforehand which games are supported how well on https://www.protondb.com/ .
Forces you to reboot.
@Seltsamsel @SendMePhotos
I've had issues with plain Ubuntu but never have I had an issue with Linux Mint. Works perfect out the box. Even Debian edition.
There are billions of possible hardware configurations and billions of use cases for an OS. No OS will ever be able to work on all of these combinations flawlessly, I'm just saying that on average you have the best chances of everything working out of the box if using Ubuntu and even if not, there are the best chances that you find help online for your problem on Ubuntu, but there are of course cases where other distros will be better suited.
If Windows works fine for you and does not annoy you, there is no need to migrate.
Personally, I’ve been mostly happy using Linux as my sole desktop OS for ~15 years. However, I only switched because Windows kept breaking and reinstalling no longer fixed it. I couldn’t imagine going back now, but a big part is probably being used to it.
These days most major Linux distributions should be fine for desktop use.
Linux Mint Cinnamon use to be the go-to beginner distribution. Its design is apparently somewhat similar to Windows, giving you some initial familiarity. Linux Mint is also based on Ubuntu, which used to be so widespread that many support pages and simple how-to instruction still default to explaining it for Ubuntu.
(This can still lead to confusion if you search for "install [Windows program] Linux" and the instructions work for Ubuntu based distribution only, not for any other distros.)
The last few years, I’ve seen a switch to Arch-based distributions around. Valve itself switched away from Ubuntu to Arch in some ways. (On Steam, the system requirements still use Ubuntu as default.) SteamOS used to be based on Debian, which Ubuntu is related to, until the Steam Deck. Now it is based on Arch. More specifically, Valve seems to default to:
Base: Arch
Desktop environment: KDE Plasma (more powerful/options than Cinnamon)
Compositor base: Wayland for gaming, old X11 for Steam Deck’s desktop. (Apparently Wayland isn’t quite ready yet for that in their opinion.)
EDIT: Fixed thanks to feedback.
Arch itself is seen as a more technical distribution. There are extremely many support pages for every issue or question you may have, similar to Ubuntu, but some may be more difficult to understand. Still, support systems improve as the user base grows and Arch is growing.
For specific distributions, EndeavourOS is the one I’ve heard about being the most friendly. Manjaro is also beginner-friendly, but the folks who maintain it have some serious issues with seriously fucking things up sometimes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVlD17OjFAc (Video compiling Manjaro fuckups.)
Didn't SteamOS switch from Debian? And doesn't it use X for the desktop mode and Wayland for the gaming mode?
It did. I must have mixed them up. Not sure about the desktop/gaming divide, I mostly get my info from random articles.
Based on a brief search, you may be correct on both counts. I’ll fix my post. Thanks for pointing it out.
Not having Microsoft install candy crush and reenable telemetry trackers with every update.
I've been using Linux for 19 years. In that time I've very rarely booted Windows.
If you don't feel comfortable with Linux, then why use it? People who pressure you ir have an elitist attitude have always existed on both Linux and Windows, but they come and go.
The only legitimate complaint someone might generally have is Windows being a weak link on a local network, but in most cases its usually, even then, just someone trying to be part of the in crowd of Linux opposed to actually understanding what they're saying well enough to have a reasonable concern.
Most people who become interested in Linux go through some kind of phase that involves talking crap about security or privacy or free software rights, but regardless of any of that being true or untrue, most of us just wanted to try something different when we tried it and switched after becoming addicted, then we go through our arrogant phase.
Btw, if you don't feel like the current distro feels comfy, just try a different one with maybe a different Desktop or different Desktop design. The best part about Linux is, its perfect. But there is no perfect fit for every Human, thus why I hate Windows for trying this "fit for all" Philosohpy, but maybe its just that I have setup a perfect Arch Linux System with KDE after using Kubuntu, Pop OS, Manjaro for 3 years and gaining knowledge about Linux.
so what does Linux have that I need?
That should be the other way around, no? What do you need that Linux has (and Windows doesn't). Otherwise it's a case of "solution in search of a problem". You presently do not seem to have a need as you have mentioned, so ideally you should leave it at that and continue using Windows.
What can motivate me to migrate?
While as I implied above only you can answer that authoritatively for yourself, a few examples of what other people seem to like about Linux might help perhaps -
... and so on.
What is a good Linux to have for a desktop + steam?
There are many, but I generally recommend Linux Mint or Pop! OS for this use-case.
This is the best reply in this entire post. I personally prefer Linux-based OSes and use them for pretty much everything these days, but if you don't know what you want or what you're looking for, I'd feel bad telling someone to jump headfirst into a new world. As much as I hate what the Windows platform is these days (imo, an advertising/data collection platform first, operating system second), I wouldn't suggest someone change their workflow unless they're truly interested in learning something new (which, depending on your use cases, could be better).
If OP really wants to use Linux instead, be it for fun or utility, I agree with a lot of people's suggestions for Pop!_OS or Linux Mint. I'll also suggest sticking with Fedora or trying Nobara (a gaming-focused distro based on Fedora). I use Fedora for my daily use and Steam works great for my games. Nvidia drivers are easy to install if you need to.
Overall, anyone who's going down the path of replacing Windows with Linux should have two things: patience, and some decent web sleuthing skills. Switching to Linux can be incredibly rewarding, but you have to have patience (especially in the beginning) for learning new things or changing default settings to make your OS work for you. I know this is just another drop in the sea of long-ass rants in this post, but maybe this has some helpful info here.
If you don't feel the need, don't do it. But linux can give you extra privacy, customizability or a way to tinker with everything on your system. Distros like fedora, linux mint and pop os are great distros to start if you feel the urge some day.
For me the reason I've switched is Windows just feels bloated and slow to use especially on less powerful hardware. When I open a program on Linux it just opens instantly, no spinning wheel, no waiting 5 seconds for the start menu to finally decide to open
That and package management, on NixOS I have a list of installed programs and system config all in one place, so no random applications I installed 3 years ago and forgot about, uninstallers that don't work, dodgey .exes etc
Most answers you will read here will have technical reasons at its core. For a normal average user that gew up with it, windows is fine. But as soon as you get a bit more tech savvy and/or privacy minded you suddenly see a lot to be desired. Most people switch to linux because they want more control, because its structure is more technically elegant, more responsive and because they don't trust microsoft to respect their privacy.
Windows is 50GB on disk to install. An insane size for an OS. Windows often calls home without any indicaton or transparancy why. In linux you can control everything yourself. Windows is often slow or inefficient.. On windows you have only limited ways to craft and costomize your desktop experience, which in linux allows fully. And more reasons like these.
As you can see for tech savvy people linux offers the tools to take control over your computing needs, if you have or develop the skills to do so. For more mainstream grade experiences distros like Ubuntu or Pop!OS provide a great environment that allows people to ignore the more technical stuff and get on with their needs. Using linux as your daily driver will require you to leave behind some old habits and learn some new ones, but its worth it in my opinion.
I daily drive PopOS on my gaming rig and whatever distro that catches my fancy on my development homelab labtop.
A few reasons other than privacy to use linux:
After you setup Linux to your requirements, there really isn't a reason to use windows.
A few reasons not to use linux:
If you do decide to use linux a few recommendations:
You may also be interested in something like NixOS. Check it out, it is a really interesting project but it isn't I would say yet for majority of the users.
Just wanted to share my experience as a new Linux user. I recently started getting much more serious about privacy and open source over the past year but I didn't make the leap to Linux until Reddit killed all the 3rd party apps; probably because of all the Linux posts I began reading on Lemmy. I was searching up all posts similar to yours seeing which distro is "best" or to start out with. I decided to take the route of researching what I'm looking for and just trying out different distros and desktop environments.
Fast forward to today and after much trial and error, internet searching for troubleshooting answers, how-to videos, and testing about 7 different distros, I landed on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and couldn't be happier.
Linux is fast, customizable, and I no longer have to worry about windows spying on me. It definitely was a challenging switch, even though I'm very tech savvy, mainly because it's a whole new language (for me). It was also extra challenging because I have a Samsung GalaxyBook3 Pro 360 and for some reason audio is shot on all the distros I tried. Thankfully, some very smart folk on the internet had a guide on how to get audio working (not perfectly though) using a command script and HDA verbs (like wtf are HDA verbs??? Lol). I also had to find a workaround for being able to use my laptop for work as well which heavily relies on Microsoft's suite of apps. My solution? Install edge alongside my default browser of choice, to be used only for work, and operate entirely from office 365 web apps.
At the end of the day, I've found that everything you can do on windows, you can do on Linux (literally even run windows apps) and you can sometimes do things better on Linux. It takes patience, troubleshooting, and you may have to format a partition or two along the way but it's so worth it. Just dive in and have fun with it. Everyone can give you their opinion on a distro to run or desktop environment to choose but remember they are just opinions at the end of the day and very much subjective.
Have fun! :)
freedom of speech, actually owning your computer, more privacy. I recommend using mint or Pop!_OS
I recommend Linux Mint. It's really great and works on older hardware as well as newer.
what does Linux have that I need?
What can motivate me to migrate?
IMO when you migrate to Linux, you can learn many things that you never think about before and it give you the easiest solution for daily life. From piracy, privacy, ideology, and deep tinkering other things that you can't do on Windows (Coreboot / Libreboot, or HAM Radio hack for example).
What is a good Linux to have for a desktop + steam?
Pop! OS is the best choice you have. But if you want to create home desktop for your family using it, I recommended Q4OS with Pure Profile installation, just install Firefox + Ublock Origin and you can go perfectly good..
In the last 10 years I've used linux from time to time on my personal PC, mostly used for gaming and web browsing. Always switch back to Windows, because it was not ready for my use, mostly due to gaming.
3 months ago I got fed up by windows forcing on me the connected account and installing crap by default, so I tried a few distrib and stick to ArchLinux, this time I didn't switch back to Windows, and for now, I don't intend to. I don't play online "competitive" FPS anymore, which tend to not work well on linux because of anti cheat. Linux compatibility improve every day for gaming, it has been mostly flaw less for the past 3 months. With the steam deck, compatibility greatly improved, and it's getting better everyday.
I feel like Arch is more snappy than Windows, everything feels more responsive, and man update are so quick, Windows takes forever to update... And I like having more controls of what my PC is doing for better and worse.
Do a list of what you want and don't want for your usage, then try some distrib and check if it fit your needs or not.
For me Linux is about customization, from windows7, Microsoft is removing a lot of things and trying to force a streamlined way of use it. I hate it.on Linux you have a much more control of your workflow, doing things in your wa, also there is a sense of community, wikies work, tutorials usually are better.
But, if you are super confortable with windows I will suggest you to not change. There is no reason for that, only if you are curious, but none system will be better that one you already like in every aspect and you need nothing.
For a beginners a distro is not even the most important thing, but the desktop environment, i can recommend endevourOS, manjaro, and mint, i the order i like most, and for the DE i highly recommend Cinnamon or KDE since you clearly don't feel the need to change your desktop so much, Mate is also a greatDE but it is just a little bit uglier but has a good performance if you have a less potent machine
Personally I would say start with Fedora and try Gnome (maybe with some extensions like dash to panel) or KDE. KDE is more buggy poorly, but has far more features. On Gnome you can run some KDE apps too though, Dolphin for example is awesome
In Fedora add Flathub and try to only use Flatpak apps from there.
Then if you think you are happy, you can try an immutable Distro. They will basically never break, but some advanced apps and plugins may not work that well. In theory you can simply install these apps as RPM apps though too.
Fedora Silverblue/Kinoite with Flatpaks is SO ahead of Windows. Updates go in background while running, and after a reboot you always have a completely new system. Updates are fast, and extremely stable, due to the system image being like on Android.
Flatpaks run in containers, isolated from the system. They are getting better slowly, but are mostly not made to run there, unlike apps on Android. So they cant be as secure, but still are waaaay better isolated from the system, you can restrict internet access, state the folders they are allowed to access and way more. On KDE in the settings, in Gnome using Flatseal.
This is also wayyy more modern.
Also, Dolphin, or actually any other file manager. Dolphin runs on Gnome too perfectly. They are soooo much better than the Windows explorer crap. Extensions everywhere. Tabs. Drag-drop menu. Creating links. Windows is so horrible to use.
Also Linux is way better at processing small files. Try starting GIMP, unlocking a big Cryptomator vault (for cloud backups). Windows just crashes sometimes.
Also, Linux has so much more Opensource software for nieche purposes. Windows has a lot, and a lot of old crap like Openoffice, FreeMind and other not maintained software. May not be there on Linux, because its outdated. But just look through flathub.org, its amazing.
A good place to start is Linux Mint with the Cinnamon desktop download option.
I have had better luck with Linux updates applying faster and they are more reliable than Windows. You can customize your desktop to have whatever theme you want. Also the privacy benefits are great too
As others have said if you're happy with Windows then why change? If you're wanting to then instead of looking at the OS, look at what applications you use and see if there's a Linux version or an alternative you could use.
Personally, I actually support Windows on a day to day basis but use Linux at home. If there's one hate I have for Windows it's their awful update process, making my computer basically crawl until it finally decides it's going to reboot randomly as I've put the update off too long.
Added with the artificial software restrictions put in place for Windows 11, Linux seemed a no brainier.
I've been using Debian for a while. It's not as resource hungry and rock solid. It's survived several OS upgrades and keeps happily ticking along. Where for work I have a Microsoft Surface that the camera driver crashes unless I roll back to a previous version. Every so often Windows will decide that actually I'll want that new driver regardless of what I say. How can a MS OS fail to work with MS hardware?
In terms of recommending an OS, I'd say Linux Mint. It's a great starter OS and as it's popular it's well supported.
the main reason are package managers, since the package managers on linux are much easier to use than winget(the one in windows). apart from that, there are not many other reasons to switch.
I love that winget exists but it's not really comparable. I think it doesn't really do dependencys of if it does the packages don't really use that. Also the packages are still stuck in the windows mindset of having to update on their own with each having their own update service
If you are using your PC to play games, stick to Windows.
Linux is better if you want to run servers or do software development.
If you're a casual user who only uses office software and spreadsheets and watches pirated anime, you can use either but you should use Linux because it's cheaper.
I can see only a few scenarios where you couldn't use the Linux full time.
If you have none of them, the best reason to use is curiosity. I started my first Linux out of curiosity and now I am a full time Linx user though I still have windows dual boot and a Mac book pro.
Debian Stable is a solid choice as it has the best support and is a hassle-free experience. Maybe with KDE Desktop. Its the most userfriendly windows-like desktop i know of.
Optional: You can also install the MX-Tools from MX Linux to get some comfortable GUI system tools.
If you care about your privacy and you are a kind of IT guy, then never ever just watch into wireshark while using windows. I was so fucking scared about the shit running in my background while I had a really clean windows installation and a lot of services and tasks disabled. Holy moly, I could not tell if this where MS calling home or some maleware. Even a simple netstat was full of messy unneeded stuff I can‘t disable (I figured out how ti disable everything via registry, ending up having an unusable windows) Hint: I was beeing hacked on windows OS some years ago, which makes me paranoid not having any chances on windows to check if some unwanted programm uses your PC and sending data over the ethernet.
Switched to endeavourOs 1y ago and would never go back. Runs 10 times faster, can do 95% of my tasks and games without having huge workarounds, thanks to proton. I have finally the feel the OS belongs to me and I can mostly control what the hack is going on on my PC.
If you have to ask, don't do it. People moving away from Windows usually have strong enough motivation to be able to tolerate the occasional tinkering Linux will require (any distro will, some more than others).
Personally, I switched a couple of years ago because I was fed up with Windows telemetry bullshit. But I admit that's mostly ideological because you don't "feel" it if you choose to ignore privacy rights violations.
I then discovered Linux to be much faster (booting, I/O, program start-up, basically everything) and not becoming shitty just by using it like every single Windows version does. Also, if you run into problems it's much easier to find and understand the root cause. Windows is just a black box.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution (or distro for short).
Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word "Linux" in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to emphasize the importance of GNU software, causing some controversy.
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