You see the colors you do because —
- As an ape and a mammal, you have eyes that have evolved to make distinctions among those colors, e.g. to tell red fruit from green leaves, or orange tigers from brown horses.
- The earth's atmosphere is mostly transparent to those colors (frequencies of light). Chemicals that are opaque to those colors tend to get burned off from the atmosphere by sunlight.
- The sun emits most of its energy in those frequencies. This both ① burns off the opaque chemicals in the atmosphere, and ② means those colors are the best for an animal to use to see things.
Your eye was not "designed" to see red, but being able to see red is a good trick for an ape that sometimes eats red fruit or red meat.
The earth's atmosphere was not "designed" to be transparent to certain colors of light, but any chemical that isn't transparent to a frequency of light will absorb energy from it and thus tend to burn off.
The sun was not "designed" for us to see by, but using the available light to see is a great trick for animals of all kinds.