I hate the fact that this is getting wayyy more attention that JWST's recent discovery of CO2 and Methane in K2-18 b's atmosphere. Like that is actual evidence for alien life for fucks sake. We might actual have found the first extra solar life, and instead focus on some grifter.
These types of news (UFOs, supposed alien remnants, etc) seem to often be ran as distractions. So there could be something actually newsworthy happening right now that we aren't being told
the possible detection of dimethyl sulfide on K2-18 b by JWST is incredible. one of the most convincing leads i've seen so far.
So i'm not the most well versed in chemistry or biology but i know a fair bit of physics and geology, and i know that both CO2 and methane can form through geological processes. Which is why i was not that impressed by this news at first. But is there something more special about dimethyl sulfide that requires biotic processes? Couldn't it also just come from something like volcanic activity?
I'm excited but cautious about that discovery. Methane was detected on Venus a few years ago, but it turned out to likely not be a sign of life.
Yeah, those are just cool. Th real good stuff is the evidence for liquid oceans and the hope that there may be dimethyl sulfide, but that hasn't been confirmed yet. But it would prove life with very high certainty.
This was debunked in 2018, they've tried this stunt before.
A team of medical examiners had a wonderful time laughing at how the bones were mismatched, cut, backwards, weirdly placed with no joints, and simply a bizarre mismatch of bones from various animals.
Isn't New York Post shitty Murdoch tabloid, exactly the kind of press where you would expect nonsense like that?
I mean the guy did present them to government officials. Tabloid or not, that's a weird thing to do especially if they are real aliens lol. And he apparently told them under oath as well. Like, what's the plan here?
🤑 🤑
Oh this is the guy who tried this a few years ago but it was discovered to be the remains of human children.
this is a very good paper-mache job!
X-rays of the specimens supposedly showed that one of the bodies has “eggs” inside.
I don't think that;s it, chief.
The thing supposedly has no reproduction organs but there are eggs inside lmao. He forgot some thing at arts and crafts class yesterday and had to improvize.
Muh egg monopoly broken again. Posadism-Maoism confirmed.
Posadism once again showing its superiority
Where is the poo, US?
Aliens in the news is usually smoke screen for the stuff they don't want on the news. What is it, this time?
I absolutely believe in Aliens though, they are real and they will bring communism.
I always wondered if we would subject aliens to capitalist life, like the most boring dystopia. You know, some dudes from a far away planet crashing here, unable to afford medical bills and therefore forced to work at an Amazon warehouse or something. Unless the aliens start war there is no way the capitalist would give away their powers lol.
Absolutely amazed by this news. It's just such a bizarre thing lol. And the weird part is that people are actually thinking we have found them lol. And I'm saying this as an alien enthusiast.
No idea what the plan is.
its also hilarious that people are thinking we just happened to get our depictions of aliens correct. media portrayed them as little gray humanoids, and wow look they are little gray humanoids! in reality we don't even know the slightest thing about what extraterrestrial life might look like, there's no reason they HAVE to be humanoids (which is already an anatomical configuration that's optimized for earth) or gray.
I think it depends on thousands of factors about what aliens might look like. Environmental conditions, their equivalent of evolution, home location, species. I think they will simultaneously look exotic and familiar.
of course there will be shared traits among life (assuming extraterrestrial life would also be carbon based), but yeah it depends and at this point is just speculation with no basis unfortunately.
I'm a fan of the idea that certain alien species could be based on non-carbon elements or compounds. I think a silicon-based lifeform or a mechanical-lifeform that naturally evolved would be hella cool.
I very much doubt that a mechanical lifeform can evolve naturally.
I can understand doubt, but there is no real obstacle preventing it. Only needs to happen once for it to be true.
Supposedly this same bloke has unveiled "alien remains" in the past
I could make something more convincing in an hour
Grifters gonna grift 😅
There's so much to ridicule about this story, but my fav part is that these aliens have supposedly recovered from a crashed space craft where they were fossilized. And they just happened to be fossilized in that position? 😂
Sadly it's probably fake.
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