which was the style at the time
Feel old yet, millennials?
"oh here comes Gladys again wearing that wretched salmon hat thing"
"you know what, hear me out"
this one is being done as like retro irony
Why does science never consider the animals might just be doing it for fun?
Cyclical cetaceanal fashion.
Cyclical Sartorial Cetaceans! That's it.
"~~Killer whales~~Humans do have fads that come and go, and they're often most prevalent among certain sex and age classes in the population. Then, over time, they tend to disappear,”
Orcas are basically the humans of the ocean
I never stopped wearing my salmon hat.
The world’s #1 planet!
A community for the discussion of the environment, climate change, ecology, sustainability, nature, and pictures of cute wild animals.
Socialism is the only path out of the global ecological crisis.