I don't care about bishops, a triple fork is always a good move, no matter what
Edit: I meant to say quadruple fork #pawnawarenessmonth
I don't care about bishops, a triple fork is always a good move, no matter what
Edit: I meant to say quadruple fork #pawnawarenessmonth
In that case it's quintuple fork, cause 2 pawns are threatened.
Never move your horsey to the edge, that's why I didn't count the left pawn but in a very literal sense, you are right
Excluding moves just because they are not very good goes completely against the spirit of this post.
I don't believe in ghosts or spirits or fairytales
Except when you set yourself up for mate in 2 or so.
Well I mean looking at the play, other player is in check and has to defend the king. Depending on the response, it could take out the queen. Overall, the player is already in a really shit position. Taking a chance could backfire or help come back from the brink
Sub 1k yeah I could see the gamble paying off, but beyond that? The moves at the bottom of the pic tell the tale- Bishop to c5 takes knight, pawn to d4 blocks a check, likely bishop to d4 confirms the mate. Even aside from that, its something like a 13 point material advantage, along with white having a locked up rook. Even without the blunder that's a rough situation.
Mate in 1 maybe but that's where I draw the line
Damn! This should he brilliant move! Usa-British gambit, your opponent loses queen you lose 2 towers!
Holy Chess Realism!
Taking the rook might delay mate a move or two, and blocks check with the bishop. Unless there is a mate right after that I missed.
bishop can capture knight next turn which is checkmate I think
Takes one more turn. Pawn D4.
Bishop then takes that pawn for checkmate though, unless I'm missing something.
It is so Anarchy that Black just flat left their King in check.
the knight has just moved and I don't think it was in check before?
Yeah i see it now. First look was that it was proposing a move to b3 from c5, which was weird.
Black to move. Bishop takes knight. Checkmate. What am I missing here?
E: oh it was white to move. The triple fork doesn’t matter. White should move the rook across to below the bishop.
Sorry I don’t get the UI. Did white just move the knight? Or is it whites move?
White just moved the knight, black to play
Well yeah, that’s mate in one.
I’m wondering why white would move the knight like that for the triple fork. I was thinking white would move the rook. Still white is in bad shape here.
It's not mate in one, it's mate in two. White can block the bishop with the D pawn.
Kc5+ - Bxc5+
d4 - Bxd4#
Oh yes, of course. You are right. The pawn buys one extra move.
Bishop takes d4?
So mate in two. Not in one.
Holy hell
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