I don't think the political compass is working that well for this. WTF is leftist or authoritarian about the wizard's behavior?
Authleft is associated with overly structured planning and consequential wastage.
You know what they say about “if you have to explain the joke…”
If there was another chart that maps well to character actions…
"Past the green meadow, the dark forest beckons. After winding your way down the twisting path through the gnarled trees, at last you reach the ruined ancient stone temple, and the grate therein leading to the depths below... and perhaps, to a great treasure..."
"Let's ignore the temple and go deeper into the forbidding woods" "YAY!"
Pick decent players and these issues don’t come up.
Not everyone has a giant pool of existing options, and not everyone initially presents as an asshole.
Sometimes you just gotta figure out who's a shithead at the table, and get rid of the bad eggs.
You’re right, I’ve been spoiled with a steady group for years but when we do add new players it’s just like you said.
The worst we ever had was the person who never brought anything to share, farted regularly at the table, and insisted on creating unplayable characters for fun.
I'm the neutral good ~~cleric~~ paladin, but when the fight starts, I'll fight (mostly by healing) and hit people in a non-lethal way, unless they're undead/demons. Kelemvor doesn't like them.
my first D&D character was a murder hobo cannibal paladin . I will not elaborate
Humor, jokes, memes about TTRPGs