Shit like this is why I went back to eating eggs and dairy.
Also my (still vegan) wife took in a bunch of chickens.
Shit like this is why I went back to eating eggs and dairy.
Also my (still vegan) wife took in a bunch of chickens.
Damn the dairy industry is the worst for the world too. Wouldn't you say your morals are pretty flimsy if you'll give up on em to avoid looking cringey?
jesus christ. i don't think i've ever seen a longer sidebar as I scroll down to the modlog... not a good start...
and okay, so the mod is unhappy about a vegan restaurant turning to non-veganry to stay alive? to the point where they're silencing all discussion of it in a positive or even ambivalent light? This seems like there's more to it than the mod is willing to admit publicly. "the restaurant isn't vegan" doesn't account for "it's a shame but I'd rather an otherwise vegan restaurant survive than not. how sad" and "it seems like there just weren't enough vegans in town to keep it alive" being banned. it's clear ethics policing and again, im sensing some passive-aggression and unstated resentments on the mod's part.
PTB. vegans deserve better representation in their leaders than this i hope we can get an alternative community that can allow discussion without weird purity purges.
so true! plants are based
Looks like the vegan admin has an aggression problem. Maybe he or she should at least occasionally eat some meat to calm the cravings.
she should at least occasionally eat some meat
Even though I don't share her point of view, that part of your comment is totally inappropriate and rude.
It's funny though
Look, sometimes we make jokes at the expense of others. Don't say you don't because we all have and do, all the time. Stop shaming someone just because they made a joke. Have a sense of humor, understand that sometimes it's funny to laught about going to hell. A jest here and there is perfectly fine. Also, it's not like this person was Gandhi, they deserve some jest
Dang, an actual PTB!
Defining removing the comments was already borderline PTB, though one can argue that since vegans tend to insist on dealt strict policies in vegan C/s, that it is within bounds to remove comments and posts as needed to maintain their space.
But holy shit, the "you aren't a real vegan" went right off the rails. And then bans for it. That's not even crossing the line in this specific case, it's kicking the line and spitting on its grave.
Mind you, sometimes it's necessary to ban people that aren't an actual part of the specific group a forum/community is for. It is case specific whether or not someone is power tripping.
But this case is soooo far into power tripping it's almost a parody
Lol found out here that I had been banned from the community. Ty for sharing the information :)
Regarding the matter, I understand their reaction.
I've been interacting with some vegan circles IRL and some are more "hardcore" (not in a negative way) than others. When you consider animal exploitation as mass slavery, mass torture and mass murder, it becomes increasingly difficult to tolerate even light deviations from the all-vegan path.
This being said, I would have preferred they had a better wording for the temp ban reason than "fake vegan" by which I feel insulted and hurt.
The "all or nothing" crowd really knows how to stomp on progress, huh?
Are you "all or nothing" with stopping rape? Or would you be okay with some light raping happening, if the majority was anti-rape?
They clearly view this act as something as abhorrent as we would rape, so why are you surprised they don't want to meet half way on the topic?
Uh, because rape doesn't keep people alive? Because rape hasn't been a part of the human diet since before recorded history? What the fuck??
Take your bullshit whataboutism elsewhere. Holy shit, I have never seen such a bad take on the topic of veganism. I hope this is hyperbole and you don't ACTUALLY think the two things are comparable.
It's like they don't realize that by being this hostile towards any other viewpoints, they drive away people who might otherwise be interested in becoming vegan or want to learn more. All it does is harm the community in the long run, and then they wonder why there's a stigma around vegans. That stigma then feeds into a persecution complex and that becomes a nasty vicious cycle.
(not in a negative way)
One of my best friends is a long-term vegan. He generally avoids telling people because he so strongly hates being lumped in with this crowd of asshats.
Not a lot of 100% vegan grocery stores, where do they get their food?
This is a community in the spirit of "Am I The Asshole" where people can post their own bans from lemmy or reddit or whatever and get some feedback from others whether the ban was justified or not.
Sometimes one just wants to be able to challenge the arguments some mod made and this could be the place for that.
Expect to receive feedback about your posts, they might even be negative.
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