It's shitty that Ukraine are being forced to conscript and draft soldiers due to Russian aggression.
I hope Ukraine can gain more territory before the inevitable and forced peace talks next year.
Slava Ukraini
It's shitty that Ukraine are being forced to conscript and draft soldiers due to Russian aggression.
I hope Ukraine can gain more territory before the inevitable and forced peace talks next year.
Slava Ukraini
I hope the russian economy will break down so much it elicts some sort of power shift, and with putin gone, no more mad person having to erase Ukraine and thus the war can end.
Google "russian trains" and "ball bearings". If the sanctions don't end soon for Russia, their economy absolutely will break down.
Russia moves the vast majority of its good by rail, but the trains are breaking down because the ball bearings are wearing out and Russia can't produce new ball bearings. I'm busy at work, so I can't look for the article now, but if things keep going the way they are now, Russia won't be able to transport its food harvests to its people in 1 to 2 years. There will be starvation in Russia if they don't get their trains fixed. #1) Russia doesn't have enough trucks to transport all the food it needs. #2) If Russia did have enough trucks, it still doesn't have enough roads nor good enough roads to handle all of the trucks it would need to transport all of the food it needs.
And honestly, I hope they do starve.
Ya, add planes, tankers, the ruble, piping, basically everything is breaking down or showing they're close to a tipping point.
First it comes slowly, then it comes suddey...
Lets hope it happens sooner rather than later!
Edit: would love to know more about the ball bearings! Where I come from made the best ball bearings, it was rumored anyways, SKF.
Dont forget Putin's North Korean division. Where 5 soldiers equals 1 well fed person.
3 North Koreans in a trenchcoat
This joke sucks.
They're conscripts being used as cannon fodder to avoid threats against their families and you're comparing them to monkeys?
I honestly forgot about the monkeys in a trench coat thing because of Vincent Adultman replacing it with kids.
No, the North Korean forces in Russia are the DPRKs special forces. These are not conscripts. They are indoctrinated and jingoistic forces that absolutely believe they are furthering the goals of Kim Il Jong and their families back home.
Still, to get into that you probably have to be from a family that's been super loyal to the regime so those guys signing up have had literally no exposure to anything other than NK propoganda.
Might be more than that seeing as how they shoot each other and stuff when aiming at drones. 10/1?
"This is the most foolish war. Why doesn't Ukraine, which has the largest army, not simply destroy Russia?"
The article contains conflicting statements from Zelensky:
Comparing the size of Ukraine's armed forces to other EU countries, Zelensky previously said: "The Ukrainian army is the largest in Europe. The second place after us (France) is four times smaller than us. I think the French have about 200,000. We have 980,000."
It was 880k in a previous paragraph.
Either a typo, or that's what he previously said and now he's saying 880k.
Almost certainly a typo. Both the subtitles under the video of Zelenskyy and every other mention of the number all say 880,000
There's this syndicated Jan 6 story that says he said 980k back then.
it’s also okay to misspeak, misremember, etc… we shouldn’t demand absolute perfection from our leaders. this isn’t an exam
It was a pyrrhicgraph.
Russia going to be east Ukraine?
I'm guessing just the best parts. Most of the Russian Federation is not worth the trouble. Russian Federation Delenda Est!
Both sides made up of mostly conscripts though...
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