- Top Democrat politicians tried nothing to stop a Trump win on the Presidential Election and were all out of ideas.
- Democrats naturally Lost to Trump
- Top Democrat politicians sent their minions and useful idiots around to blame people who didn't vote for them because they tried nothing to appeal to them (as part of the grand strategy of trying nothing to stop a Trump win).
- Top Democrat politicians carried on doing nothing to stop Trump <- We are here
Leaders is a strong word. A bunch of dudes mollycoddled by their privilege and standing. Kill your idols. I love the Onion.
lmao the onion is killing it these days
Voters' vision is based on movement.
Considering there actually is a very determined scramble on multiple fronts to stall out trump this insistence from the onion is really starting to feel like defeatist propaganda
The fact that stalling is necessary instead of having taken any preventative actions is more upsetting.
This is as close to factual reporting as we're likely to see for a minute. This isn't satire; it's sociopolitical commentary.
Always has been
“Did it work? I think we’re in the clear for now, but that was a close one. They could have talked to us, for crying out loud, or worse—demanded that we do something."
The Onion
The Onion
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
- The Onion
- Clickhole
- McSweeney's
- Reductress
- The Chaser
- The Hard Times
- The Needling
- Tattletale Times
- The Beaverton