Is he suggesting that his actions are bringing about the apocalypse? If so, I agree.
Lmao. In a post apocalyptic setting, Elon Musk is a trophy.
He'd be paraded around on a leash.
Think Channing Tatum in This is the End.
Oh yeah, what is Grimes up to?
It’s not often a woman breaks a man so badly he has to find a surrogate for his “x”
Depends on who caught him. He'd be paraded around on a leash if he was lucky
Holy hell Elon has a galactically discrepant self-image.
None of the women I've dated have enough post apocalyptic potential either. One of them said they would kill themselves if a zombie apocalypse started. It takes a strong person for that, man or woman.
Are you implying suicide is a weak option? I don't believe so. It's not a stronger stance to side with a survival instinct; you could say it's actually the easiest thing to do. It requires nothing more than to exploit our biology (adrenaline, aggression, etc.). Not to downplay the complexity of all of us animals, but it's not extraordinary to behave like that, just as a lion or a rat would do too.
The other option requires something unique to humanity (until now and as far as we know) that is to question our actions, to reflect upon them, to give them a personal value, and to make decisions upon all of this. Few animals commit suicide and probably most do so due to a pathological state and not a philosophical argument behind. To embrace this is very hard; it goes against our body's program.
I won't say it's necessarily stronger, but neither is it weaker. I admire the honesty and bravery of doing such questions.
Suicide is definitely the weakest option someone can take. Maybe you've never been suicidal, but I have, and that feeling is so strong. It wouldn't feel like anything to end it, just a release. But it takes absolutely everything to keep going.
You may have a point about surviving being instinctual, and therefore someone who is too dumb to even consider suicide I'm any situation, isn't stronger for not having the thought. But I really don't think that's most people. I think most people that would have to struggle to survive an apocalypse, would absolutely be pushing through the urge to end it. Unless all that's left is savages, suicide is weak as hell.
I guess you're right that it takes an enormous effort to hold on to life in those situations. It reminded me of the book by Viktor Frankl, the one about his observations on who died and who lived while he was in a concentration camp. Man's Search for Meaning. Although I wouldn't say all cases of letting go are weak. Sometimes depressive states are like allergies, an organic reaction to low light, lack of nutrients, etc. But I can now see your point.
The thing I cannot agree with is the ulterior reason. You speak, and probably many people would do too, as if life were an obligation or the right path to follow. As if staying alive was the point, and therefore to submit to the desire to leave or to escape was inherently wrong or mistaken. But there's no mandate to live in my book. Whoever decides to persevere in life has the right to do so, but, to me, it is just as valid to leave because there is no point in being born nor in dying (again, as far as we know) anyway.
I don't want to be a warlord. I want to be a lovelord.
Moron billionaire class. Think they’ll survive the collapse of humanity in their bunkers. The reality being they will be murdered by their staff on day one.
Or simply die in a flood since they can’t fix the pump.
Praetorian guards again, go figure
All that money won't mean shit if the economy collapses. Musk is such a goddamn clown.
All that money won't mean shit if the economy collapses.
Money is temporary, daddy's blood diamonds are forever. 💎
Elon's wealth comes from the value of Tesla stock - an overvalued PoS stock that has never paid a single dividend. His twitter loan was secured by Tesla stock, so the more the price tanks, at some point you'd think the loan would be called due.
But hey, Elon is now in charge of government contracts and spending, what luck.
I just want to remind everyone that those who call for war have never experienced it, and the closer you experience it, the less you want it.
He's since deleted the post, but in a followup comment he mentioned the irony of talking about becoming a warlord using a picture of Max, a noted warlord killer.
As typical for all right-wingers, Musk is utterly incapable of critically examining art.
He really thinks that cyberpunk is cool and does not understand any of the philosophy or ideology behind it.
Cyberpunk IS cool as long as I get to experience it as a little mental retreat, a neon colored view of the what-if from the comfort of my chair in my paid off house in a country with universal healthcare and strong worker rights.
Musk's power only comes from his wealth. That wealth is in a currency that is tied directly to the world's trust in the US government. That trust is being very quickly diminished. If things get 'Mad Max' bad all of his wealth will be absolutely worthless.
The vast majority of his wealth is stock market speculation, not even US currency.
Don't worry, that's what Dogecoin is for! 🤡
So is he just coming out and saying he's driving the country into the ground? Is that the point of this? How does this idiot still have any support?
Yeah, because when the world crumbles, it's going to be that walking bag of mayonnaise and bile that people are going to want in charge.
If it comes down to it, Elon's own security boys will lug him in the back of the head.
Was he the one who said he'd put explosive collars on his guards?
I hope he films the process of him trying to get death collars onto a a team of expensive security guards so that future archaeologists can have a laugh
Expensive, highly skilled guards. Because all these dumb billionaire fucks are hiring ex-spec ops and shit. You know, the type of people who know how to take away your dumb little supervillain detonator button and waterboard you for the release key before they ventilate your skull.
The more chilling thing to me being that he is causing, wants, and/or expects this as someone "in power", for wont of a better term. Is this a desire (definitely) or coming to terms with things already set in motion? I hope it's just a shitpost, but who knows at this point?
It's a nazi eugenics dream to wipe the country off of undesirables and initiate your plan of gender affirming individuals as they pop out of tubes. A good reminder thwt a journalist interviewed a billionaire who was showcasing their mega bunker in case everything goes to shit. What bothered the billionaire was how is he able to control his security when the natural order is upside down?
Journalist suggested empathy, to understand and care about your security detail. Billionaire disregarded that and suggested to himself shock collars would be more ideal than empathy.
I've probably got twice the warlord potential he has. Which is to say, I have really shit warlord potential.
Who is this guy to have known several warlords? My guess is he's either a glowie or a journalist.
Edit: Survey says journalist! Thank you to everyone who answered.
To this guy's point, yeah, it's hilarious that Elon fancies himself a survivor.
Robert Evans is a bisexual Texas guy who decided he was going to report on war, so talked his way onto a military plane with other reporters as a stringer when Beirut was a place for barracks bombing. An experienced combat photographer took him under his wing and kept him alive. Evans has walked on concrete smelling the crushed dead from the collapsed structures. I know all this from memory (correct me if I messed anything up) because I researched his background a bit, because his “It Could Happen Here” podcast - about how a US civil war would go down - is very articulate and savvy, and I was curious how he gained that insight.
The only thing more articulate and savvy could possibly be the products and services that support his program. If you lurk on Lemmy, Robert, glad you’re here. Always wished I could hear a conversation between you and Robert Baer for a few hours… partially because I would expect only the best alcohol and other substances to be served in that room.
Robert Evans does Behind the Bastards podcast, and has also reported on conflicts in Iraq, Ukraine, and Rojava, amongst lots of other things.
Evans is the kind of guy to book his own ticket to a war zone and hope he gets paid for his reporting afterward. I have no idea if he's ever done that, but he has that vibe. As others said, I think he's a "journalist", in a positive way.
edit: he did a whole series about Syria, way way before recent developments. "The Women's War". and Jake Hanrahan. I remember they paid a driver who kept giving them terrible cigarettes.
Like, we all joke. But Musk's a carnival barker at heart. He'd fit right in alongside the Colonel Qaddafi and General Butt Naked crowd. The Northern Alliance was overflowing with ego-bloated horn dogs. The Columbian cartels are rife with tin pot business goons.
You could change Noriega or Pahlavi or Bong Bong Marcos out with Elon Musk and nobody would notice a difference. Hell, there's a reason a guy like Milei is bro-ing out Elon every chance he gets. They're the same kind of guy.
You underestimate the atrophy having no financial needs or stress concerning any real aspect of survival can create. If we go back to caveman times, no one that has never experienced a blister on their feet is going to be surviving very long.
"I am setting this country up for anarchy with governance by warlords. "
I wouldn't even pick Elon in a fight with Meal Team 6.
So he's admitting to ruining everything and being a sexist piece of shit at the same time? Well done for being masterfully evil asshole. Satan high fives you for some style points on this one Elon.
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