What the fuck are we doing
Voting fascists with about 6 braincells into office, apparently. 🤷
6 braincells collectively right?
Laughing all the way to Hell, my friend
At least we have a good sense of humour.
Fools electing grifters, a story as old as time :)
"I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative. . - John Stuart Mill
Bet you “Big Balls” saw that and thought it was some liberal’s screen name.
Maybe he's dyslexic and read Elon a gay
Can we sue the government for incompetence? There's gotta be a judge somewhere that'll approve standing for it at at this point.
I think there are multiple lawsuits going around targeting various shit the current admin is doing. They even got some preliminary injunctions stopping or cancelling a lot of it (e.g. mass layoffs). However, remember that the final instance is SCOTUS which currently has 3 conservatives, 2 fascists-lite and 4 fascists PRO MAX, and they have already given their fuhrer carte blanche to do any illegal shit without personal consequence, so the odds are not good.
Thats gay.
Hey, it says "gay" right in the name and we all know "gays" are gay. /s
It's hard to tell what stuff is intentional, to flood the news with so much batshit stuff that we start to ignore things and what is genuine incompetence at this point.
First they came for the…
wait, what am I even talking about… most people in the US are probably cheering this on having allowed it continue to this level of stupidity.
So much for the cHeCkS aNd bAlAnCeS and aMeRiCaN vAlUeS
Now we'll never have a bomber called 'ur mom gay' :(
Not the Onion
For true stories that are so ridiculous, that you could have sworn it was an !theonion worthy story.