no, but what bothers me is the life im living right now, dispite the shitty stuff going on in the world, does not want to end.
Saruman, not frodo, was the true ring bearer.
yeah the reason we call it hydro here is because it connects to hydro dams which we have alot of, but we also have alot of natural gas and then some nuclear reactors as well (Im not far from one)
He tried the BBQ sauce.
Texas Prevents People From Owning More Than 6 Dildos. Now Lawmakers Want to Ban Sex Toys at Walmart.
The passion of the dildo
i mean, i haven't participated in sex in over a year and i don't need to go online to harass women, your right.
)_) T-T
oh...well maybe that's why it's looking smaller...
id rather have a small penis than be full of mircoplastics
joined 3 months ago
But that's the point. The only things keeping products at their prices now are keeping jobs offshore. Also the wages people would want to be paid to manufacture base goods would be quite higher than what china pays their workers (and im not saying that's a bad thing). What transport costs make it more expensive than shipping overseas?