These are all in cargo pants but default is phone front left; small wallet (leather card holder with a zip pocket with a tile in it) front right; keys back zip pocket, but recently I was in another country and did water bottle front top left; phone, large wallet due to cash & book front top left; travelcard and hotel key back zip pocket, passport & 120Ah portable charger front bottom right, coins front bottom right which surprisingly felt just fine so maybe I'm ready to become a suburban dad
I mean they could go underwater and just come up to breathe and eat dead ants
Outside of Continental Europe
Oddly specific when of the 10 countries judged to have the equal best tap water quality, 4 are European islands (UK, Ireland, Iceland, Malta) and many Continental European countries score behind the US:
Yeah even gpt4o couldn't keep track of encounters, run battles etc. in my case...
I think if you wanted to do it mechanically consistently you'd probably need to integrate it into a vtt where you give it context and potentially fine-tune it to give quest related summaries & gming rather than just "stuff"
Yeah, of course it varies place to place but I think for the majority of at least somewhat developed countries and urban areas in less developed countries 50Mbps is a reasonable figure for "normal home internet" - even at 25Mbps you're looking at 4½ hours for 50GB which is very doable if you leave it going while you're at work or just in the background over the course of an evening
Edit: I was curious and looked it up. Global average download is around 50-60Mbps and upload is 10-12Mbps.
Is that the bear from hexbear?
Urine showers with woad shampoo, it's called fashion, look it up
Ah I got thrown off by it being a US unit as I know in the US for some braindead reason they call a pint a "half quart(er gallon)" so I was thinking 1.136 litres, but yeah the US decided to not even use the same imperial units as anywhere else which still used them at the time just to be extra special (and scam people into thinking they were getting more than they wore, which sets the tone for the US I guess)
With a CPU or even a GPU, there is a bunch of inefficiencies for every task as they're designed to be able to do pretty much anything - your H265 media decoder isn't going to be doing much when you're keeping a running sum of the number of a certain type of bond in a list of chemicals
With ASICs and a lesser extent FPGAs, you can make it so every single transistor is being used at every moment which makes them wildly efficient for doing a single repetitive task, such as running statistical analysis on a huge dataset. This is because rather than being limited by the multiprocessing ability of the CPU or GPU, you can design the "program" to run with as much multiprocessing ability as is possible based on the program, meaning if you stream one input per clock cycle, after a delay you will get one input per clock cycle out, including your update function so long as it's simple enough (eg moving average, running sum or even just writing to memory)
This is one specific application of FPGAs (static streaming) but it's the one that's relevant here
Early modern English has it so it tracks (four-and-twenty blackbirds baked in a pie)
As you say, it's not unreasonable for them to charge more for riskier insurance, so it's not even like cutting the riskiest x% would or should boost profits... If they think the risk has grown, raise the premium at the next renewal opportunity and their profits should be just fine even if they have to pay out
you could always symlink .Trash to /dev/null if you don't care about potential accidents