[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 1 week ago

Most places is a stretch... They're invasive in around ⅓ of Earth's land area and where less than ¼ of people live

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Theoretically, I guess... But my argument came when introducing the laws of physics into the world of the infinite hotel, but there comes a point where the movement is small enough that the electron orbits are unaffected when the atom next to them "moves" therefore there's functionally no movement.

You're not a criminal who goes around breaking the laws of physics like the rest of those "mathematician" types are you?

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I mean UK & Norway having oil while also both being top 10 in Europe for use of renewables 👀

For places like Europe which are politically stable within themselves, places that can provide way more than they need renewably (uk with wind, norway with hydro, spain with solar) should just pretty much provide for the whole continent and maybe make some nice profit in the process (as they are right now, UK is producing 70% from renewables and exporting 14% of their generation to other countries right now - https://grid.iamkate.com)

If you put the pumped storage in other countries it even balances out the nimbyism and control of the whole system

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 7 months ago

I'm fairly sure to get my current job my resumé was just an unformatted txt file, imagine using formatting

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 10 months ago

Already too hot 😶🔫

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I just find the saving mechanism frustrating to use compared to vim's as an entry level user, and now as a mid-skilled user I dislike how featureless nano is - when I was first learning how to use the terminal I hated having to edit anything as I was pretty much force-fed nano with no alternative provided, but on finding vim and remembering literally 3 things (:w, :q and i) everything became so much easier, but I definitely do have an extra bitter taste left about not being told about something much easier to use which irked me when I saw someone preaching how amazing nano is

I also really don't get the hate for vim when remembering 3 things gives you as much/more functionality as nano and is a starting point for so much more functionality - intuitive doesn't mean featureless and don't try and pretend nano's shortcuts are the same as 99% of other editors (text or otherwise), in fact they're totally different, making it less intuitive

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 1 year ago

Solid in the same way the designers heads are solid bone I guess...

A 3.5mm adapter is not an answer as it causes wear on the USB C port in ways it's not designed for (but 3.5mm is as it's circular so the cable rotates and breaks before the port), and it's hard to get a good dac that isolates the power noise when using a multiple charging/listening adapter that's also that small

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 1 year ago

Nah, I get spam for my personal website where I host projects etc and also use as a convenience domain... It's pretty clear that I don't actively want to be indexed (if they wanna do it then sure but I'm not sure what they're searching for) and yet they're still talking about how they can get me more sales for my... Open source tokeniser and instruction set I guess?

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Which you have to carry around separately, which comes at a convenience cost and so you're more likely to just go for wireless ones (I know I have after the headphone jack wore out in my phone)

And also not charge at the same time unless you get a well shielded dac dongle with a usb female which also allows charging and supports thunderbolt, which is another piece of future e-waste that you'll have to carry around in addition to your phone and 3.5mm only dongle, as the unconnected wire will get caught on your hand if you try to use your phone

Your idea of a fix makes as much sense as apple calling selling you 90% of a new device fixing your device - let's not allow degenerate business practices just because a brand like to think of themselves as green and ethical, it's anti-consumer and anti-environment, no ifs, no buts.

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I mean my mountain bikes run at a reccomended 50-80PSI, my road bike 60-120

I can also get up to about 40mph downhill on both (which should be a good indicator of rolling resistance/air resistance as it takes out the pedaling part), so that leads me to believe (given the rolling resistance info) that the actual biggest factor which makes the road bike so much easier to ride is weight (and gear ratios, but that's not relevant to e-bikes)

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Sounds like you haven't invented Europe yet, even if you spring for a non-Eastern vareity it does make the price of dino juice, houses and cigarettes increase


£110/year or so for unlimited medicine prescribed by a doctor

Health insurance

Who needs it


Usually free or at least heavily subsidised (even in places like the UK where you're paying £10k/year the government also plays about £5k-40k towards it depending on what course etc.)

[-] 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 2 years ago

The issue is you'd still need humans to verify its correctness... It could come up with all sorts of new discoveries, some of which would be hugely groundbreaking, but a lot of which would be correct-sounding nonsense, just like AI at the present does with normal sentence... The issue with ML is that it doesn't really doubt itself, and anything that could would be a whole new technology, not just a hugely improved version of gpt4

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