[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 2 points 10 hours ago

This is exactly what happens in the Battlestar Galactica reboot with all the fancy newer ships in the first couple episodes.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 21 points 1 day ago

CBC Gem has a documentary about the Proud boys founder. I think it's worth a watch.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 13 points 1 day ago

Yves also criticized Canada helping Ukraine against Russia back in 2023. For some reason there's a post about him every other day but he seems like a pretty shitty dude. I'm guessing he has a lemmy account so he can spam about himself.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 3 points 2 days ago

A west marches style campaign in the 40k setting. My first thoughts for this would be either the players are rogue traders or they're a bunch of hive scum and have different gangs as factions.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 5 points 3 days ago

I started drinking it more recently since most of the other drinks at the local convenience store are American but Coconut water is usually Thailand.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 37 points 3 days ago

The best lore is lore made at the table with the players. The rest is just gm inspiration.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 5 points 4 days ago

I still play even if 2+ can't make it. It will depend on your group but my group of 6 has 2 very flaky players.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 19 points 4 days ago

The problem only happens when a group feels they need to delay if someone can't make it. As a GM I have a set day/time and play without the missing players.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 2 points 4 days ago

It's worse than that. The original announcements said a 75% increase but the math didn't add up. I'd just be aware that soon prices will likely increase.

submitted 5 days ago by Adrius@ttrpg.network to c/rpg@ttrpg.network

Upcoming Print-on-Demand Book Price Changes – Effective April 1, 2025

We always want to keep print costs as low as possible, and it has been years since we passed any price increases through to our publishing partners.

However, our print supplier, Lightning Source/Ingram, has announced a price adjustment starting April 1, 2025, that will be reflected on DriveThru sites.

Key Changes

  • Due to increasing supply costs in the US, Black & White print costs in the US will increase significantly, from around 20% for low-pagecount hardcover titles up to about 50% or slightly more for large hardcover books, and with softcover titles seeing an even greater increase.

  • UK print costs for Black & White books will also increase, but generally only by 3-4%.

  • Standard Color print costs will increase, by roughly 12-13% for US printing but only around 3% for UK printing.

  • On the whole, Premium Color print costs will decrease slightly for US printing but increase slightly for UK printing.

Example 1: A 180-page large premium hardcover currently costs $32.10 to print in the US; after April 1, that same title will drop to $27.80.

Example 2: In the UK, the same 180-page book currently costs £20.23, which will increase to £20.93 starting in April.

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 32 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This only matters for perfectionists in an all or nothing sense. If you give the USA $0.60 for every $1 you used to it will hurt their economy.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Adrius@ttrpg.network to c/fantasy@lemmy.ml

I've read "The Way of Kings" and I really didn't enjoy it. Before I discovered that I didn't like it, I bought Dawnshard while it was on sale. I'm too cheap to not read a book I've bought so I am planning on reading it.

What lore or spoilers should I know to catch me up from tWoK to DS?

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 16 points 2 weeks ago

Any Canadian government entity should leave the platform

[-] Adrius@ttrpg.network 13 points 3 weeks ago

Canada has underfunded its military for decades. Now that we have a powerful neighbour talking about anexing us, we really should start funding it more.

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