TIL, thanks jupiter!
Hey welcome back! You look amazing as always 🤤
Has this user been singling out other users and posting about them? If not, maybe we shouldn't be singling them out and posting about them.
Either they are a dick, in which case block and move on, or they're a troll and want this reaction, or they are simple of different opinions then yours, which isn't grounds for singling them out.
Can't we just be nice?
That looks awesome, way to go! I just want to squish them, they look so soft!
I've been designing and printing 'enameled' pins on my 3d printer for a bit and recently picked up the stuff to actually cast them out of metal. So far I've casted one, and it actually turned out, so I'll probably be making some more this week!
Hope you don't mind if I take my time, I always like to savour my presents ;)
If it is a removable bed, pop that bad boy in the freezer for a bit and the print should pop off. If not then you may want to try some glue stick on the bed before a print which will help the print release since it'll pull off the glue.
Fuck doing something you EnJoY. What saccharine horseshit to tell a person in a place as dark as the one you’re in now. Instead, do something meaningful.
Not OP but damn, thanks. Needed that.
Maybe he thinks you're a cool person and just wants to hang out?
Hey, thanks for taking the time to double check and come back even though you realized you got it wrong. Lots of people wouldn't have done that so props :)
Wellll did you try the harder difficulty level?
We need another bell lab