Would need some foxy people to develop though.
Have you talked to 17 year olds? They are far from developed in most cases. Anyone even in their late 20s should notice the difference in development and stay clear.
In Deutschland steht meinem Stand nach Ethik/Moral vor dem Amt. Gibt es denn rechtsbindenderes in Österreich? Einen Rauswurf aufgrund von Interessenkonflikt sehe ich ja, aber eine Anzeige scheint mir schwer. Schätzungsweise geht es hier nur um eine Verschleppungstaktik.
A lot of poluticians want hardwarelevel backdoors. It's been declared unconstitutional quite some times in different countries but they are trying.
Sex is not as binary as highschool level education makes you believe. Combine that with social expectations and the need to communicate with potential partners and you need new ways to talk about sex and gender.
We do have a concept of limits in math. That doesn't mean we ignore it. It is just more correct not to divide by zero as the limits from either side do not converge. Or would you allow -inf as an answer aswell? That is the answer if we approach the limit from the other side.
It is not only convenience but rigor that dictates dividing by 0 to be an erroneus assumption.
This is for paid cheats. If you ban in waves the companies selling cheats lose a larger sum of money all at once. This also hits right at the time when they need to put in the most work.
And great for accesibility for people who can not read well.
The german minister of foreign affairs is the women depicted in the post.
It's part of the poem the anthem is based on. The meaning has been perverted from one of cultural reach to one of conquest.
A lot of politics and media are importing american ways of communicating and fearmongering.
Need for Speed Underground 2 was a great game. Not sure how much nostalgia ia in there but it just felt good for a racer.
Bloons TD holds a special place in my heart and so does Runescape.