Thanks for the clarification on Nestle!
But yeah... agreed, f them it would be wonderful it they got caught in the splash damage.
Thanks for the clarification on Nestle!
But yeah... agreed, f them it would be wonderful it they got caught in the splash damage.
Can't SIGTERM be observed to react to a poweroff?
Which came first, Weeping Angels or SCP-173?
When our last TV which was 'smart' died, we just bought a big lcd monitor at the pawn shop. We already were only using Kodi on an Android box, so a monitor with external speaker is fine. (Seemed spyware free last time I checked, but beware no-name android media boxes on=from eBay etc., use a tiny or old spare PC instead if you wish).
One must 'sail the high seas' tovget content, of course...
No movie link? :( :)
Heh, 'garbage language' or 'garbage-collected language'? Until Go I considered the two to be the same :)
But yeah... the tooling is a strong point IMO.
(Package management went downhill once the whole GOPROXY thing was introduced. When 'go get' was the simplest way to fetch packages, things were great IMHO ... but I'm not doing big enterprise-y stuff so maybe my view is too narrow as to the issues of 'vendoring', version management etc.)
I don't know the technical issues, buy couldn't a fork of Signal revive SMS support? I would switch to such a fork and help everyone I know also do so.
I see the reasoning, fair enough. Just grumpy this evening I suppose :p.
Rename it "Bob"! Any press is good press :p