Do you remember when you were first told that Canada is a Bilingual country? Can we finally stop pretending we are?
What makes you want to support the source if you do not like the source?
Might as well be a Heritage Moment.
Off the top of my head?
-Coastal and Arctic defense systems -CAF member pay and benefit increase -Modernizing current equipment -Creation of military production facilities
That alone would likely get us well over 2% spending.
Maybe in the future you can do your own research instead of using the comment box as a search engine.
Oil and Gas companies.
I agree with you there. The second hand market is wonderful for finding ridiculous deals on things people just want gone.
The only problem with the second hand market is the effort needed for it. That effort keeps people from considering it a viable option for goods in the same way the effort to find another store made OP B-line to Amazon.
This is why the majority of people will never be happy.
One cannot balance a budget with increased spending, lower taxes, and no reductions in spending. But one will tell you they can in order to grab power and that one shouldn't be listened to because that one is likely attempting to create a dictatorship.
Especially the ones who have charges dropped after seriously injuring someone during an arrest because it is impossible to prove anything when dealing with cops and their union.
I couldn't care less if they released the names of some geriatric Nazis from WW2. Prosecute the ones still alive and drop it so we can move on to real issues.
Breaking Bad was amazing that is for sure. haha
I still will never understand how Canadians can look at privatization down south and be all "I want some of that!". I have to congratulate the consecutive governments who managed to turn Canadians against the very things they fought for decades to get.
Have to respect the game even if it is incredibly evil.
See a paywall, down vote a paywall.