[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -2 points 3 days ago

You are truly...

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -3 points 3 days ago

Obviously considering you aren't attached to this thread and currently balls deep in my profile.

Stop being so thirsty and just ask me out so I can reject you and we can move on.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -2 points 3 days ago

I am advocating against that. Was this comment meant for me?

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca 0 points 3 days ago

No, that is my family name.

My full name is "Whitey McLiberal Rape and Pillage the Earth Privilege III".

Put some respect on it pleb.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -1 points 3 days ago

Yup. 100%. Rape and pillage the Earth is my middle name.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -2 points 3 days ago

Try asking a real question if you want a real answer.

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -3 points 3 days ago

I agree, no one needs a smart phone or computer. You are correct, libraries and cyber-cafes do in fact exist.

Look at that big brain on you! I am so proud!

[-] Arkouda@lemmy.ca -4 points 3 days ago

No I am saying that you equating infrastructure to Nazi support is laughable, and that you should go read a book.

I am now saying you should learn to read before you try to write.

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