Actually Villanueve went with practical effects for that scene.
Mods are people of the community too. If you don't like them, you can make your own community.
Intro software Dev
This analysis isn't acknowledging the important fact that The Marvel's was dogwater in its best moments and pure cringe at all other times.
If you regret your abortion, nbd, just get pregnant again. What difference does a 9 month delay make in a lifetime commitment?
The spice must flow
When someone tells me they worked a specific job in college, I have never once doubted the truth of that statement. Why would anyone have reason to lie about such a thing? If it was a complete lie, you'd constantly be at risk of being exposed by a close friend who knew the truth, which is WAY WORSE for a presidential candidate. To even explore this as Snopes is pro-Trump.
The whole premise of the survey is absurd. Almost no one would actually admit to using it, so we're multiplying a super small ratio of admittance by a super large ratio of acquaintance and assuming the two cancel which is almost certainly not true.
It's all speculation, the only way to know how many people are using these things is by website visit analytics which these companies would never give away (for free).
"Our code is a buggy mess and no one so far has been able to fix it"
Christopher Nolan is panicking rn.
The moon doesn't actually protect the Earth from asteroids. It's a net-zero because the extra mass attracts more asteroids.