There's an addon that removes tracking elements from urls.
Only American companies should be allowed to sell your user metrics for data harvesting. Folks, that's just common sense.
Before smart phones I carried a book everywhere I went and would pull it out at any point I'd generally reach for my phone now. I also got lost driving a lot.
Are you telling me you don't want to spend a hour copying your resume to a bunch of text boxes?
When will the oppression end?
Former White House Middle East Envoy
So do they just find the most virulently racist people imaginable for these positions.
Had a friend basically say that the FBI and CIA used to be crazy, but they're totally above board nowadays
Least fragile Zionists.
My fairly lib friend has been visibly radicalized since western governments started joyfully supporting a Palestinian genocide. I mentioned the other day maybe those ravers shouldn't have been partying a mile outside of Auschwitz and got zero push back.
Doncaster must be carpet bombed to ensure no Hamas militants are there and taking hostages.
There is no way thats an unedited pic of Jeepers.
Oh my god shut the fuck up.