[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago


[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago

hmmm, it seems the header won't work for some languages/characters.

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

#现货 厚底 踩排泄感 EVA 拖鞋

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The writing is on the wall.

The Malays have spoken, they will and could not accept ethnic Indians and Chinese as their comrades despite all their efforts and contributions to the country, the skin color is APEX, and the religion is defining the politic instead of pure logic.

You may see a person as neutral or liberal, but underneath, they are more often than not the hardcore radicals, after all they compromise the majority 70%, you can't bullshit out of statistic.

Wake up, or change my mind.

ps: I didn't read past the second paragraph, either behind paywall or my ads blocker works.

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

All is good for headline story and on paper for publicity, but the bottom of the story is it opens a portal for them to songlap.

Sarawak, your history on transparency and corruption is just beyond the scale that known to us, it is like staring into abyss.

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

He has a list of court cases to attend. I think one is abuse of power and corruption involved his office and administration on mining. He had his scrotum on the butcher's countertop, probably hairy, unshaved, smelly, exposed.

When you have been exposed for your weaknesses, you made up lies and act like a saint. He is bending and giving a blowjob or maybe licking someone's turmeric fluids.

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Apakah perbezaan antara payudara dengan tetek ?

ps: I am learning Bahasa.

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Disclaimer: I didn't read the article.

The way we (non-bumi) see is that PAS is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I don't want to touch the religion, but when one claim the religion is peace, but it never before the religion itself involved in some many terrorism and radical movement against others is something worth for anyone that able to comprehend critical thinking mindset to actually deduce that the fuck is going on.

What issues often see from that cloud of mindset are none other than ethnic, religion, crusades, sex sex sex, legitimacy for incest and minor sex (disagree? please pull the data and case from Kelantan/Terengganu, also include the liwat cases from religious school for a wild comparison), and most importantly if your tits is 50% revealing, your feet is too sexy, and porn in closet according to Pornhub and other major institutions of pornography entirety even with their low population from the state, it is rather an achievement for lewd championship.

Long story short, the image themselves that they portray is embolden with nastiness that simply unfit in modern society and lewdness.

The nastiness and lewdness associated with Bawang, his left hands, Tuan, and who else that actually literate ?

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It was discussed in Hacker News [1], I think on the contrary, it is very difficult to replicate...if it is true at all...

"Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim hit the first sample (the prototype of LK-99) in 1999 trying to prove the theory of their professor Choi Dong-Shik. Around 2017 YoungWan Kwon joined to the team and they got investment enough for to buy an SQUID and a EPR. In 2020, L and K hit with LK99. They tried to submit a paper to Nature, but was rejected. They contacted with HyunTak Kim after read his 2021 paper (the one you point), and HyunTak Kim joined to the team."

"By the looks of it, to me this is just the once in 5 years rumor cycle. The authors have been working on it for a long time and have been rejected by Nature. Other co-authors have said they weren't consulted before uploading the paper. The author who uploaded had to give a talk, and for whatever reason uploaded it on Arxiv before uploading, and didn't expect it would blow up like it has. For official confirmation of room temp superconductor, I would rather go with a big publishing journal group organising a press conference before paying any attention."

"Been following this very closely. Seems like the one takeaway is that whatever material this is, it's interesting. It's also difficult to synthesize in bulk, which is a shame because superconductivity is not easy to observe in non-bulk materials (think: powder)."

"The variables that lead to its formation are not all accounted for yet. The process is understood, but it doesn’t always work. So there must be something missing every now and then."

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36940323

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

-- wrong thread

[-] AwesomeSteve 2 points 1 year ago

The former two times Premier, current and former champion of race-based parties, a political mogul that used his power to enrich himself and his family has been doing an exceptional jobs to corner every single non-bumi and forced them to create a self-identity that distance themselves from the utter racist population.

He was in power for several decades, yet he claimed the very ethnic that he represent and protecting them are still living in poverty even though with all the help, affirmative actions and privileges, and in total control of the public sector, the elites in all GLC; the delusional speeches of him are beyond a metric system that one can measure.

But hey, it works. You believe him, right ? ...right ? Fellow [redacted] ?

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