[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 5 points 4 hours ago

I think that's the understanding of gravity for sizes of an atom and larger, which fall under the theory of relativity. In relativity, gravity is not a force; spacetime is a fabric that is bent by the presence of matter. For things smaller than an atoms, the leading theory is quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics hasn't definitely explained gravity. One of the leading subtheories to quantum mechanics uses a hypothetical particle called a graviton to communicate gravity. No one has been able to unite the two leading theories in physics (relativity and quantum mechanics) with any experimental success. In the meantime, we just treat (a) things smaller than atom and (b) everything larger as two different worlds.

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 4 points 4 hours ago

Boy, I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunderโ€ฆOhโ€ฆyikes

Anyone have a non-paywalled version?

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 2 points 5 hours ago

Because Ubuntu sucks! ๐Ÿ‘Ž Here's a list of why:

  • Snaps = ๐Ÿ‘น

  • Ads in start menu (they did this before Winblows!)

  • Unity is sooo fucking slow and stupid. That dumbass bar of most used apps always present taking up screen space ๐Ÿ™‰

  • Canonical doesn't give a shit what users want๐Ÿ–•

But the most important part is that I really don't care. I don't use your computer. You do. So use whatever the ๐Ÿ”ฅhell๐Ÿ”ฅ you want. Use a version of Winblows ๐ŸชŸ themed to look like Arch ๐Ÿคญ, wallpaper and all๐Ÿ‘Œ, then post screenshots on the Internet about your superiority ๐Ÿ’ช.

Live how you want! And if someone shames you for it, kick them out of you life ๐Ÿ˜Ž

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 1 points 5 hours ago

Mint is the shit! The only reason I don't use it is because they don't have a native KDE version. If they ever do, I plan on going right back Mint.

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 2 points 5 hours ago
  • install Kubuntu

Or even better, install KDE Neon. Same as Kubuntu, but with less bloat and the latest KDE Plasma.

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 3 points 23 hours ago

5 things you can see! 4 things you can hear!...lol

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 22 points 1 day ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

That's basically what the Trump Administration did, tho they were voted out. When Trump was complaining about the Biden economy during that talking point ad disguised as a debate, I kept getting frustrated that Harris didn't say they were cleaning up his mess...in retrospect, I imagine that she wanted to distinguish herself from Trump's repeated that wasn't me that was you strategy.

  • Trump used all the financial emergency tools when the economy was good. He lowered taxes and interest rates. This supercharged the economy, but left us vulnerable to normal market dangers since we had nothing stable and reliable left in the event of an unforeseen contraction. Despite economists objecting and even resigning in protest, he still pushed it through because the general population doesn't understand how the economy works. All they would see are Trump POTUS = good economy.

  • Obama left us with a pandemic response team to stay ahead of any possible pandemics at the advice of leading scientists. Trump disbanded the entire thing for no objective reason, just power, control, and hate. Then, COVID happened.

  • The COVID pandemic alone saw the worse market sell-off since the Great Depression. We were hitting multiple circuit breakers per week to stop a complete market sell-off. It was so bad, that just owning futures of oil was literally a loss because you had to pay to store it since no one was buying. People went bankrupt from one day to the next for merely owning oil.

  • The money printer go brrrrr meme happened under his admin to prevent the economy from spiraling out of control. GAS GAS GAS!! The underlying joke was that they kept saying that inflation wasn't going to suffer the largest creation of currency in the country's history. It was straight lies because how is an immense injection of trillions of dollars with no remarkable increase in production of goods not going to cause inflation? It's impossible.

  • The low-ass interest rates with a halted economy left very few places to invest money, so that went into the stock market and corporations buying houses. Interest rates were lower than stock market returns, especially since the government showed it would intervene, so wealth was flowing from one to the other creating absolutely no tangible value yet accumulating wealth for the people that could afford it. It was basically a relative wealth robbery of the middle class right out in the open.

  • To solve the inflation crisis, Biden had to jack up interest rates. Now, no one wants to sell their house to get into a new loan with double the interest rate, which is exacerbating the housing shortage. Meanwhile, house insurance is skyrocketing due to climate change and the government hasn't done ahit about it.

I don't think anyone could get away with effectively hurting the economy worse than Trump did. Someone or the general population would've intervened.

These blatant lies are ridiculous. Seriously, from the economy to pointless rally attendance numbers, everything those people say is the opposite of truth. Whatever they blame on someone else is what they did. Whatever they claim they did is what someone else did. It's like living in a crazy opposite land. Freaking, they stole the playbook right out from George Orwell. ughh!!

edit: typos and word choices

I loved the 3-button navigation because there are rarely any errors with navigation. The taps are too different from each other to get confused compared to the gestures. The thing I like about the gesture bar is that it makes 1-handed use possible for me, so I'm stuck with the gestures. But at least 3 times a day, I accidentally signal the back gesture when I only meant to swipe left to right. Soo frustrating. I'm getting good at self-soothing tho ๐Ÿ˜Ž

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 12 points 1 day ago

American here. I have never paid rent in cash to a landlord I had a lease with. Only times I have paid in cash was when I was either living with a friend or giving a roommate my part of the rent. It's possible some people pay in cash, but I would say it is not common.

They're saying they trust you, you dingbat.

[-] BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place 46 points 1 day ago

Here is my unsolicited judgemental review of your personal choices that have nothing to do with me:

Do not disturb ๐Ÿ‘

Light mode ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Proton VPN ๐Ÿ‘

Chrome ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Firefox ๐Ÿ‘

12h clock ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Android ๐Ÿ‘

3-button navigation ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Signal ๐Ÿซณ๐Ÿซด


I guess it's another way of asking, "What event in your life had to most effective impact?"


I'm a fan of FOSS and reasonable privacy with data. I also often look for and install software on my computers for random tasks as they come up. Today, when I was looking to install an extension to Firefox called Wikipedia-EN that helps me search Wikipedia by highlighting a word, the Mozilla page for the extension states:

This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing.

As someone that is not educated in programming or perpetually current on tech news, what can I do to assess the safety of this and other software? Is there a site that transparently evaluates software and publishes its findings?


Ever been to the bean section of a Latin grocery store?


Coming out of paralysis and into power. Time to catch up on everythingggggg ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŽ‰

Queen sucks (lemmy.autism.place)

Queen the band sucks. I don't get why anyone likes them. Aside from Bohemian Rhapsody, their songs are bland and fall short. Their rock is dry. And the opera-style singing is cringe. Examples:

Another One Bites the Dust

  • Catchy bass line, fun to direct at an opponent, CORNY AF. The song is about people being killed, but sounds like a funky Michael Jackson song with an Opera singer.

We Will Rock You

  • Good solo, repetitive and annoying simple beat. Boom-boom-ch. So lame.

We Are the Champions

  • Such a self-aggrandizing and braggy song. "No time for losers"? Okay, Donald Trump.

Bicycle Race

  • I don't even have to say anything about this one. Everyone knows how corny this song sounds.

Somebody to Love

  • Touching topic, cheesy lyrics and even cheesier choir-like singing. It's cringe.

I am happy for the band and their success. I admire Freddie Mercury's unapologetic flamboyance. The dude kept it real. But, I just can't like the music.

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. I understand we all have different taste and respect everyone's freedom to like and enjoy what they want. I'm not trying to insult anyone for their taste, but merely expressing my own in a somewhat humorous attempt.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

And how are those differences relevant to our nutrition and diet?


Often when I tap on the title of a post, rather than opening the post, it takes me to OP's profile. I think maybe there might be an overlay between the title of a post and the tap area for the OP's handle, or I'm fat-fingering it. Either way, it's a little frustrating.

I would like to disable the ability to go to someone's profile directly from my feed so that it takes me to the post whenever I tap anywhere in the title/author/community area. If I would like to go to OP's profile or the community, I could do so from inside the post. Sync has this option as a setting as shown in this screenshot :

I can't find it in Voyager. Is there a way to set this up in Voyager?

What's Mull browser about? (lemmy.autism.place)

Saw that there's a Firefox browser named Mull for Android in this thread. I went to check it out in the Play Store, but saw it's not there. Apparently, it's one of those that have to be side loaded. I use stock Android and Firefox, btw.

  • What's Mull about?
  • Why would someone use it over Firefox?
  • What are it's benefits and disadvantages?
Watercolor Tree (lemmy.autism.place)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.autism.place/post/225847

My first watercolor tree. I learned that I can find watercoloring a bit frustrating lol

Watercolor Tree (lemmy.autism.place)

My first watercolor tree. I learned that I can find watercoloring a bit frustrating lol

view more: next โ€บ


joined 3 months ago