Maybe they used an AI service to upscale the otherwise small res picture instead of looking for the original ones.
Came here for the strange looking owl, stayed because of great Op comebacks.
This is a beautiful metaphor.
Turns out you don't even need a LG tv to jailbreak a PS4, almost any computer that runs Linux and has an ethernet port would do.
Wouldn't that hide her navel?
"La catedral del mar" and "Los herederos de la tierra" by Ildefonso Falcones, and one more vote for "The road".
That's exactly what some agent of the simulation would say.
Ferrari and drain covers, name a more iconic duo....
Here's my attempt at the distracted boyfriend meme
Created with Bing prompt
back view of a young couple walking, the girlfriend is looking angry at him while he is looking at another girl in a red dress coming in opposite direction, 1920 photo style sepia except for the red dress
This is great!
On bing first attempt got this
And this one I think it's really cool
At that point it's just Greek mythology all over again.