I‘d have to get my tables from work. It highly depends on the species, soil, size, location, age, natural area of the species and so forth. A decently sized oak at around 100-150 years old usually gets weighed in at around 2000€. Variation however is a given.
Usually you’d go to the bank with the project and they ask you for securities, oftentimes the house your building or the ability to garnish your wages. Also they demand to know how much you’ve saved so far. Can’t give loans to everyone?
Klar. Der ist auch der Grund dafür warum manche immer noch irgendwelche Spitzen zählen und glauben daraus tiefgreifende Erkenntnisse über die Viecher ziehen zu können.
Äh, was ganze soll dir das Geweih verraten? Du hast nen Hirsch im Revier? Wenn du das nicht weißt bist du nicht oft genug draußen.
The phylogenetic results, combined with these other lines of evidence, suggest that the high mortality in 1918 among adults aged ∼20 to ∼40 y may have been due primarily to their childhood exposure to a doubly heterosubtypic putative H3N8 virus, which we estimate circulated from ∼1889–1900. All other age groups (except immunologically naive infants) were likely partially protected by childhood exposure to N1 and/or H1-related antigens.
The Spanish flu apparently had the N1 complex present, to which the 20-40y population wasn’t exposed. At least that’s my limited understanding after skimming the paper.
In Germany we have got an integrated system with small pockets of protected forest inside leger forests. However, in opposition to most of the world, we don’t do clear cuts or the like, except for big calamities. we would usually fell single trees inside a forest and have the others left over for a later date or generations. You can get a year old sapling next to a 300 year old oak and everything in between right next to each other. Naturally due to historical over use, we haven’t got any old growth forests like in Ukraine or Poland, but we certainly preserve our ecological functions.
Maybe where you live. To get a usable tree you need at least 40years around here, to get a tree you can build with takes around a hundred years….
Gülle Verordnung ist nicht meins, bin im Wald unterwegs.
Natürlich wird auch bei Stickstoffbindern etwas ausgewaschen. Komm mal bitte weg von diesem absoluten.
Warum muss ich zufüttern? Muss ich nicht. Wenn man seinen Tierproduktbedarf absenkt, kann man durchaus auch mit klassischer Winterfütterung aus selbstgemähter Silage und Sommerweide zurechtkommen. Denk mal ein bisschen weiter als in aktuellen ökonomischen Ideen.
I guess it’s hard to differentiate, judging by how Russian trolls managed to set two groups against each other in Texas by founding them both on Facebook.
Judging by the amount of xenophobic shit I had to read today, I’d argue Russian trolls have finally arrived.
Depends. Is it stable? Does it pose a threat to passer bys ?