[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 34 points 2 months ago

if that happened to me, I'd be placing some steel rods in the fucking grass next time to ding up the blades

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 14 points 2 months ago

also, like any time a fight breaks out, there's like 5 kings and other friendly NPCs that just kill the 1 dude who has a pipe they're trying to batter you with and then they immediately die. the only 'real' fight in all of freeside is probs the shady bodyguard tourguide guy who tries to jump you with his boys

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 6 points 2 months ago

but in cold war Regan said my they/them pronouns

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 22 points 2 months ago

they really did the followers dirty in that game. as with all things, this is due to the rushed development of new vegas

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 24 points 2 months ago

basically he is moderately left of centre and vocally stands up for trans people, so that means he's basically a diehard communist ready to overthrow the british government any day now

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 12 points 2 months ago

I know they have ties with those fascists. but the BBC didn't need to take Israeli money to run 100 stories over the past 2 years about the fear of refugees and the government doing nothing to stop 'illegal immigration'. that rhetoric, a decade of 'hostile environment' by the tories, the islamophobia of the Blair years, the Murdooc press and their well documented anglo fascism ect that all adds up a lot more than Tommy Robbinson gets to go to Magaluf every year paid for by Israel

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 45 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

islamaphobia is nothing new. the UK riots are genuinely not that surprising. when you feed people hings about small boat migrants and how Islam is at odds with 'British values' for 20 years yeah eventually some shit is gonna kick off. during election campaigning Sarmer went on a whole tirade about Bangladeshis. this is pure home grown fascism, we don't need India or Israel to do it for us, the UK media have been even trying to spin a narraive this was foreign disinfo as opposed to their own fascism

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 18 points 2 months ago

nothing ever happens bros rallied the markets

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 4 points 2 months ago




spoilerabsolutely jokerfied getting 99% 2 times in a row

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 11 points 2 months ago

All it took for Ireland to erode its legacy of decolonial struggle was the influence of one black mass murderer not even from Ireland, Barrack Obama

The Free state treatyists have always been the patsies of Anglo imperialism .

as much as I support our boys in green, the restarting of the troubles would more than likely actually damage the republican cause right now, they have a very strong position. Sinn Fein are both the largest party in Northern Ireland, but also the largest party and leaders of the opposition in the Republic. they are using this position to legitimise the provisions within the GFA for a referendum on Irish reunification and have set up a All-Ireland Forum on Unity to bring this about in both halves of Ireland. the armed republican groups which currently exist do not have a unified platform, goal, base, or heading.


I gotta say the death cult shit on the left is so wildly fucking weird to me. it really is one of those just like entirely sociopathic things where people have just decoupled themselves from empathy so much through frustration and demoralisation they've ironically, which always ends up meaning earnestly but detached and with a thin veneer of dismissal, embraced this idea that horrific judgement day levels of shit is needed on certain countries and large groups (not talking about the bourgeoisie here, but the working masses), millions we all openly agree are shaped and brainwashed by systems outside of their control. do bad people and places cause unimaginable pain? for sure, but to then throw that blind injust dehumanised violence back at the masses that characterises imperialism and capitalism is full of this Christian evangelical smite and divine retribution of those who have sinned beyond salvation and must die to cleanse the world.

I already know all the explanations, 'it's just a meme', 'the imperial core did bad stuff so needs to suffer', 'the west will never embrace socialism unless enforcement via mass violence and destruction of all institutions and infrastructure'. but the thing is like, you read any text by international communists, black radical groups, anti imperialists, they literally all say 'we just want you to stop being assholes so we can be friends who work together', and so it seems to be this self hatred that fuels this than any outside demands, one which just seems really unnecessary and honestly childish especially from people who claim to have a deeper materialist analysis which breaks down why these opinions and actions are so common and systemically enforced.

[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

this has gotta be a leftist trying to do a funny bit. nobody knows who the fuck Bordiga is outside of really old Italian dudes and us


if you call me a fed I'll call you a double fed who feds on the feds


Samus Aran is trans, the evidence is all there.

  1. she picks up 'E' all over the place to stop herself from dying
  2. she is 6ft 3 (191cm) tall
  3. she's constantly running in circles to get any 'E' so she can make any progress in life
  4. the Gamers are really weird about her
[-] DeathToBritain@hexbear.net 2 points 3 years ago

this is the real left unity

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