[-] Dum@reddthat.com 4 points 1 year ago

Das Problem an dem Vorschlag sind die Experten, die gibt's nämlich jetzt schon, weil Politiker sich verständlicherweise nicht mit allem auskennen. Genau diese Experten sind aber nicht gewählt, nicht gelost, und wechseln auch nicht mit den gewählten Parteien, oder wechseln jedenfalls nicht vollständig, was, wiederum, verständlich ist weil es nur ne begrenzte Anzahl an Experten zu jedem Thema im Staatsdienst gibt/ überhaupt in Deutschland gibt. Und die sind zwar Experten, aber auch Menschen, und damit das Einfallstor für längerfristige Kontrolle durch Lobbyismus und Korruption. Aber auch geloste Bürger wären ja nicht weniger anfällig für Korruption und Lobbyismus, die wissen halt aber weniger wie Politik funktioniert und wie (internationale) Diplomatie geht, und müssten sich im Zweifelsfall mehr auf die Experten stützen... Oder Dinge tun von denen sie keine Ahnung haben.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 3 points 1 year ago

Denitiv Hochwähli für "uns dein Glied zeigen"

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 4 points 1 year ago

He WANTS to help Russia... Don't feed the troll.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Oh yeah it's really crazy impressive, from a technology pov this is amazing.

I concede I'm neither a biologist nor a doctor, and if lazy sperm is not genetic, respectively if children born from this would lead a completely normal life: awesome. I just think knowingly passing on serious disabilities with a high chance to a new generation is something that should be avoided, specifically because you can't ask the people affected, which is the children born. In the end, it's just my ignorant weird feeling from what looks like Frankensteining together something that seems dead to create new life.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 3 points 1 year ago

I agree you need much less capacity because you'd usually just want to even out fluctuations, but I think the general gist of the comment is still true: you need just 2,5x the amount of water to produce the same amount of energy. The article says very little about the liquid, and very little about why this would enable them to build this capacity much quicker. A little more data would be nice.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 4 points 1 year ago

I can't get over how hard the author deep throats Tim Apple. When reading I stopped to check if it was marked as advertisement. This is 100% pure advertisement, not journalism. If you like apple maps, fine, this article just feels way overboard.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 2 points 1 year ago

Once you pay you just get an email "stop falling for ridiculous scams you dumb fuck, you've hereby increased your IQ to 81, pleasure doing business with you."

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 1 points 1 year ago

Not in my opinion: if you read the article, it clearly says that Microsoft enforcing a level of quality for dated hardware leads to devs abolishing features that the hardware series S hardware won't be able to support. They also can't decide to not support the S unless they abandon the Xbox series X as well. It leads to lower quality games for everyone, not just series S owners.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 3 points 1 year ago

I guess that's debatable, depends on how you define what "it runs" means. PC gamers with dated hardware may be fine with playing on 1080p, while on the Xbox Microsoft might veto if it doesn't run on 1440p and 30fps. Of course weaker hardware won't run everything faster hardware can, you can't just sprinkle infinite magic optimization dust on a game, there are simply limits what's possible with weaker hardware, and once you've reached them you can't just shout "enhance" like in CSI Miami.

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 1 points 1 year ago

Not at all my experience, the miniscule amount of data needed for a text message goes over the shittiest of internet lines. Yes, SMS sometimes goes over a highly saturated network where data doesn't because sms just yeets your data instead of establishing a proper connection with a handshake. Though that's usually very unreliable as well. SMS is also terrible from a privacy perspective, as it is unencrypted and can be spoofed and read by anyone in between, and even read by third parties who just listen in on the wireless transmission. Look where you're posting. "Cake" pfft

[-] Dum@reddthat.com 2 points 1 year ago

Not sure I want to go this hard for people self-identifying as right wing nationalists.

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