Operation Lebensraum has commenced
President Parrot 🦜 ❤️
It's funny. You see, not me, but a guy i know, was there, in SC, volunteering for the false king Bernie, when Clyburn kneecapped Bernie on Obama's orders and then the bourgeoisie Reek'ed Bernard within a fort night. He's been a loyal lap dog ever since.
To busy veto-ing legislation that would outlaw caste discrimination to run for president
Rastafari's coming for Mt. Zion lol
Best to you and your family!
I literally stopped listening to American prestige shortly into the Russian Ukraine conflict, because this quickly became so clear. Danny Bessner seems to have (interestingly) like a reverse revolutionary defeatist attitude, that while the west is being challenged it's still overwhelming entrenched and the emerging multi-polar world is divided and whoafully inadequate to the task of rivaling the USA. Like he'd be cool with it but we won't be so lucky...
Yeah. If you read this they're targeting the Syrian 4th amoured division of Syria and Hezbollah saying they are the drug dealers though
So what your saying is they're a bunch of liberals
Nice seeing Adam Friedland getting out there
Carter's lived longer than the fucking crocodile from crocodile dundee