Yes. It's obviously an arbitrary line that based on an individual's analysis. I personally try not to call others names, nor do I like to be called them. There will be disagreements, misinterpreted takes, bad faith etc. I'm probably in the minority here but I would not ban "doomerism" (nor do i make personal value judgments about people based on their take's of the damned "News" of all things) but I do try to discourage despair it if it doesn't make sense. Also, there is that point where we're simply fucked, and I hope I can admit it if/when it happens.
Yea that's wild. Pretty sure I remember Bolsonaro (or maybe his supporters) making threats against his husband a few years back. Really done a 180 from his lava jato reporting,,,
It's like the first episode of a Kamala sitcom (like that's my Bush or something) and She's double booking Netanyahu meetings, and her phi zeta sorority reunion party and then xanax brained shenanigans occur.
Biden and the absolute Vlad both, rock them aviators
New Left Review reminds me of Tariq Ali'sThe world today show used to be with Telesur before they were seemingly wiped out by sanctions. He would do a good job analyzing political parties in other nations and the forces on the ground if you like. There's also the real news network and the analysis with Paul Jay, the Analysis can be somewhat libish but mostly good - they can use the old Trot line which mostly depresses the left - all sides are bad we need a perfect Marxist party that doesn't and won't happen anytime soon so let's not do anything. Breakthrough News is probably one of the best outlets that is fairly new imo they do fantastic work.
He's known as BBQ, his childhood nickname because his parents did bbq street food for a living. It was Jimmy BBQ to distinguish from the other Jimmy's in the neighborhood
Petro has been surprisingly good so far 👏
Thank you Mr. Proclaimer, you say these things assuming these views are my own. I dont understand the anger. I was just trying to spark conversation. I tend to agree with you. I'm not some lib all hung up over the ICJ if that's what you're thinking. However, I wouldn't say it is without consequences even militarily. It could potentially have some western nations suspend relations and aid and would also most importantly see the resistance step up attacks. It would also discourage western aligned states in the region from cooperation
I think it means the industrial energy consumption. Production capacity has been moved around as the NG costs is prohibitively expensive and eats at profit margins
I think they're meant to deter other countries from showing too much solidarity
It's Moby