I say do it. Because then whether it comes in as one state or 10, one per province, they'll be blue states. Because they'll all hate Trump for all of this bullshit. I'm sure the Republicans will love it. It's not like they've been fighting tooth and claw to keep Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia from becoming states because they would be blue states, or anything.
That's a longer campaign than any competitive multiplayer and lots of RPG games out there.
My doctor's always bitching that I need to lose weight, so this could work. If not though I hear that antibiotic resistant flesh eating bacteria is a horrible way to die.
GTA 6 Devs: look at our amazing story and open world!
YouTubers: I'ma drive an alligator up off this ramp, skip off the tallest building, and then land on a blimp!
Remember kids that you don't feel matter; you feel the electrostatic repulsion of electrons that occupy part of the 99+% of empty space of each atom is composed of. The vibrational frequency of those atoms create heat that radiates through that void to be detected by other atoms as more or less heat energy. Over 99% of you is empty space and radiant energy, which means that mathematically you barely even exist.
Well thank gawd they're here to make sure the ruling oligarchs don't feel the slightest shred of the anxiety that us poors feel 24 hours a day.
It's not hard to download a YouTube video as an mp3, so all you've gotta do is rip it from one of the many places it's posted up.
Entropy increase, mostly.
Both. A better statement would be "Landlords and real estate investors" are parasites. If you can afford a home you don't live in them you are driving up prices on homes that others could live in, fuck you.
No that's why he wants to drill baby drill. To bypass all of the third world borders and get directly to Antarctica without having to deal with them.