OK thank you, I need to look deeper info that because not every letter is included.
Have you found an official alphabet to use with the Latin alphabet for comparison?
By this point i spend 400 € for a quality keyboard and noise canceling headphones, money I earned in that very job so I don't get nuts at that job.
I use it at home too.
Baseball is a hell to watch outside the US or Japan. I would give them money but they do not want it....
Ich denke bei den kleineren Parteien wird vielleicht eine für dich dabei sein.
I just hope it is the fp4+ and that soms parts like the camera and the display can be used to upgrade my fp4.
Could not find it on android, do i need to use the webapp?
It is so important that more people not only know what is happening there but see it. The dominion movie on YouTube is great for that. It was live altering.
Student in engineering, this is 100% the Departement i work at. You are an out liner if you have not worked at that one other company before. Also, more are on the way from the vorher company to us.
I forget about my pocket notebook all the time :/