Works on my computer.

Running in the heat doesn't make you a god-tier athlete. That's what humans are literally built for dickhead.

I've started running less than a month ago and I can still do a 5k in 100+ degree heat.

I was born with tenitus because I had shit tons of ear infections as a child. It kinda bothered me when I turned 18 and realized that it wasn't the sound of silence.

Deaths from fucking car accidents which happen waaaaaaay more often in suburban and rural areas.

Only on a technicality. You're never more than 5 minutes away from an ER in the city so of course you have a better chance to survive. Most small towns are 30 minutes away from an ER, if that. Unless you believe rural people are genetically pre-disposed to car accidents then the problem is lack of public infrastructure.

This has the same understanding as quoting FBI crime by race statistics without the overall societal context.

but that you’ve done the conservative thing where you take something how it is currently and decide that that’s how it is for all time. “Surrounded by cars, smog and noise” this is not an essential characteristic of cities.

"Man I hate my farming job because of shitty pay and long hours."

"Uh actually, the shitty pay and long hours is not an essential characteristic of farming so you're being a conservative."

The possibility of things getting better does not make living in the city now any more pleasant.

The other issue is that your rhetoric plays into the conservative dichotomy of the cities as dirty and savage

Your pro-city rhetoric plays into the neoliberal dichotomy of cities being civilized places and rural areas being filled with country bumpkins. I don't think you're a neoliberal though because I can understand how sharing one view doesn't mean you believe the same thing.

And third, this “cities suck I prefer the trees and nature” rhetoric always leads one place, and that’s to individualist, private landownership,

No it doesn't. It literally does not mean this in any meaningful way. I specifically prefer the rural areas because I have better access to local community and state parks. My love for nature is just about the most collective it can be. I can't believe people on hexbear are unironically stating it is individualist and supportive of landownership to enjoy nature.

Elitist? Brother you literally started the thread saying cities suck dick

They do, I'm not saying rural life is objectively better though. It's all trade offs, I prefer the rural areas. Why do you cringe at the idea that someone would prefer to live in the rural areas. I can understand why you'd live in the city. I just won't accept when shitheads looks down on me for my preferences.

I'd also support this ngl. I'm trying to defederate from Hexbear as a bit but I don't understand the github.

[-] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

"" when it still existed.

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