[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 50 points 2 weeks ago

Because they don't support communism. They just like one version of ogliarchy better than the other.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 57 points 2 weeks ago

Huh. And here I thought Yogthos was a Chinese plant. Turns out they like the taste of Russian leather just the same.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 51 points 1 month ago

I know green text therefore we prob shouldn't take it seriously, but still, God damn. Losing your family isn't "lucky," even if there are worse outcomes.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 49 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Okay, I get the meme, but let's not conflate what Brian Thompson did with the knowledge and skill required to practice medicine.

He had a bachelor of business administration, and his claim to fame was increasing UnitedHealthCare's denial claim rate from 8% to nearly 28%, while passing the profits from causing such widespread misery, suffering, and I am sure in many cases death, on to his investors and pocketing enough to never need to think about wealth again. The worst and least ethical of practicing doctors did more for society than Brian Thompson. Choosing to do nothing meaningful is a greater credit to society than Brian Thompson.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 60 points 2 months ago

Describe Trumps presidency in one sentence.

Sounds like shooting itself in the foot.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 50 points 4 months ago

It might be boring and obvious, but the speeds.

I used to have to plan ahead, set overnight downloads, very consciously and actively manage data rates and in general never plan around getting something. Today, I can get basically ANYTHING in less than an hour on FiOp. Most things, 5-10 minutes. Transfer rate has outscaled data size, and it's fantastic.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 51 points 5 months ago

Imagine being born in a position of privledge, and never being told "no" in your entire life. Why would you ever make a plan when you make the subconscious assumption that everyone operates around what you want?

On a related note, this is why "Woke" is so offensive to people like JD Vance. "We were doing just fine before you people started complaining!" is an easy thought to have from the lap of luxuryn

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 57 points 5 months ago

Imo, the neat thing about this current "weird" discourse is that only right-wingers could ever find it genuinely insulting. Any sensible, self-actualized human being who isn't obsessing over the sex and genetalia of others is like "haha, yeah, I am kinda weird".

But the right wing is built on the misconception that they are "normal" and everything else is a problem. They're the only ones that could ever be bothered by being told they're weird, because it deconstructs the very foundation of their beliefs. Without the core of "we are normal and everyone else is causing problems in our normal society" backing up their every decision to threaten others over the religon, sexuality or life choices of others, they instead have to face reality: it's normal to be a little weird, and it's normal for some of that weird stuff to take root and become normal. And to refuse it and obsess over it is, in its own way, kinda weird.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 50 points 8 months ago

There are a lot of reasons to not bother going to Tim Horton's, and the lids on their cups is not one of them.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 53 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Homie wants to defund the CBC so we can get closer to a corporate-owned state. Because we obviously need media to be further dominated by wealth.

Sure, "both sides" or whatever, but let's not downplay just how fucking awful Pollievre is.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 58 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, the headline is just awful. The Inkbound Dev notes that they're removing all in-game microtransactions. The goal is to move away from pressuring you to spend money on microtransactions as you play, and keep them where they belong: on the store page.

The devs are doing exactly what they said. The headline is either click-bait, or a result of awful reading comprehension.

[-] Glide@lemmy.ca 52 points 1 year ago

I'm a big fan of positive nihilism. Everything has occurred by random chance and there are no inherent truths or any purpose to anything. Nothing we do actually matters in the grand scheme of the universe. So, since nothing matters, I am free to exhert my free will and give value to what I choose.

I want to live a life where my perspective is, on the whole, a positive, happy one, and I want to create as many opportunities for others to do the same as possible. I do not want to tolerate those that use their freedom to steal the freedom of others or who seek pleasure at the pain and cost of others. I want to utilize my freedom to seek pleasure and joy and bring pleasure and joy to others without causing pain and suffer.

Nothing matters, so choose the life you want. There is no right or wrong way to live.

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