[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 2 points 5 days ago

What you've said is true, but I still insist that Canada is not an imperial or opportunist country that is looking to gobble up states, even if handed on a silver platter. It's just not really what we do. You are severely overlooking the fact that it would require a supermajority of support in both the seceding state and Canada as a whole to admit a new province/territory into the confederation. That is simply unlikely.

If the US collapses USSR-style, it would likely just simply balkanize instead of being picked over by its neighbours. It would balkanize either by region, or completely by states. What is probably more likely is probably another civil war, with one side completely winning or a stalemate being met and two or more separate USAs existing. But honestly, there is literally no way to know what will happen to the US going forward.

Gun to my head, had to choose, I'd say that America just continues to be a flawed democracy and returns to its isolationism that it historically always does inbetween major wars, probably suffer a major recession, and then has a civil war.

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 1 points 5 days ago

If the Cons were smart, they're have kept him on a leash as an attack dog while making someone much more respectable be the party leader. Let PP do his vicious mockery act and outrage farming to soak up all the bad press, and let a normal-looking con take the seat.

Right now, PP is like a little yapping dog that got ahold of its own leash and doesn't know what to do with it.

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Most Canadians would love the idea of states joining us

Nope. Not true.

They wouldn't even refuse solidly red states, I think

I would. They would view us as an occupying power, and would be right to think so. Think of Quebec, but instead of being French they're just racist. I don't want that in my Canada.

It would make Canada stronger, and a better life for the states

It would be a clusterfuck. Not Canada's problem to make life better for Americans. Ever heard the saying, people get the government they deserve? Majority of them are assholes or unable to help themselves. If they want to enjoy a better life the Canadian way, they can work on immigrating here. Canada is not an expansionist country. Plenty Happy as is, geopolitically speaking.

Economic power together is enhanced

We've been doing this already, as two separate sovereign nations. Assholes turned it against us. You know, you read the news.

Canada even as 10 states instead of 1, doesn't work because US debt is too high, and US simply has too harsh of a society meant for oligarchy.

Not sure what you're going on about with the US debt. But that alone is a reason for us to not join together. Who the hell would want to inherent that problem? Canadians would be taxed like crazy to help pay that off. If by too harsh of a society, you mean ruthless individualism at the expense of the overall social fabric, which has a nasty effect of creating oligarchs? Correct.

Healthcare would be a major issue.

It would be, but in this scenario is would ironically be the least problematic thing.

These opinions are presented to you by a dual citizen Canadian currently living in the Southeast of America. No normal people here want to invade Canada, and no Canadian wants to be a "savior" of poor abused American states. I'm down to let more people immigrate and become PR or citizens, but not a blanket annexation of entire states. If Americans have a issue with their current federal government, they can take some bricks and throw them through select politicians windows while doing mass strikes like the rest of the civilized world does to keep their democracy clean. The French revolution wasn't bloodless, nor was the American Revolutionary War. Tyrants don't go away on their own.

You know nothing about Canadians nor what the average American thinks and it shows.

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Didn't realize that a Field Marshal of the Soviet Union is the be all end all of opinions about WW2 and the participation of the US in it. Next you'll be asking me to follow Douglas MacArthur's opinions on the Korean War!

Get real. The US showed up in WW1 in 1917, long after the Central powers were exhausted. In WW2, the US showed up in 1941. On the pacific front, the Japanese had been fighting China since 1933. In Europe, the Germans had been fighting since 1939. In both wars, the homefront was entirely untouched unlike the rest of the world, setting up the US with a massive head economic head start in the post-war period.

But hey, go on, lecture to the person with two history degrees from a US university on why your dead Soviet Field Marshal's opinion is more correct about the US's participation in the war than me.

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 0 points 1 week ago

Assuming these sites are canadian operated and funded, I fail to see how this be used against us. I fully agree that the Trump admin is posturing itself as a threat to Canadians right now, but this could be a powerful way to remind the world that Canada and US are North Americans in it together. While shit is getting rough, we are ultimately in NATO together.

We can defend our sovereignty and cooperate with Americans simultaneously. Realistically speaking, this will go nowhere most likely.

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 6 points 1 week ago

Ditto. If it is secure, independent, and operated and maintained by Canadians, it is simply in the best interest of both countries. Frankly, it might be something we want to explore on our own even without the US leading it. We are an awfully large country though, and it might not be practical. But maybe we can atleast protect major population centers? Who knows. I'm out of my depth here.

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 0 points 1 week ago

It is in both of our countries best interests, really. If we refused it would be a petty move and a point of contention between the countries that is not needed.

Besides, this is the third time such a "iron dome" strategy has been attempted by the US and each one ends up a massive money sink and waste of time. I doubt third time will be the charm here. Very high chance this leads to nothing, and if it doesn't, whelp North America is more protected from missile strikes.

I just wonder if Mexico is invited to the iron dome...

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 8 points 1 week ago

They should have considered the potential consequences of being born on that day smh

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 11 points 1 week ago

Must really suck for the irl people whose birthday is on that day.

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 week ago

I went ahead and made a Windsor community! Windsor is the city I was born in and I grew up in Essex County, so I felt a little left out not being on this list. While the community is named for Windsor, I figured it'd make sense to welcome content from all over Essex county instead of making community bloat for every town in the county.

/c/Windsor or !Windsor@lemmy.ca

[-] GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I canceled my Amazon Prime subscription over this. I still am currently living in America but plan on moving back within the year. Might even try living in Quebec.

Anyone know of good alternatives to Amazon? I know Canadian alternatives don't quite exist, but is there a more ethical version of Amazon anywhere?

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