Bet its even higher for some states.
Ugh. I have the unfortunate situation that my favorite superheroes are doctor strange for marvel and green lantern for dc. I had sorta forgotten I had picked up multiverse of madness to watch. I was sorta meh on the first movie and was hoping the second would redeem it. To make matters worse I was sick of meh media in general and had finally decided to rewatch the firefly series. Firefly and lord of the rings are basically my two favorite things. I was putting off rewatching as long as I could. I had watched the broadcast and then rewatched when I bought the dvd (seeing the unaired episodes for the first time). I then did not watch till I broke down recently. Anway it was just after I noticed I had gotten multiverse of madness and was like. Oh boy I should watch that. It was so not better than the meh first. I had not watched a marvel movie since avengers endgame outside of deadpool and guardians of the galaxy. Sooooooo disappointing. (sorry the firefly thing was me trying to explain how watching something I liked a lot did not help with a movie I did not like at all. May have made it worse. I keep wondering that if maybe I watched something garbagey enough before hand that it would have seemed alright by comparison)
most I ever had was ten but that was at a public institution. My average is five or six.
Im oddly both. Im generally unorganized but if I have control of my environment I will both organize as I go and do spurts of organizing. When I have enough time things will get organized but I like them organized by practicality or ease of use although sometimes that does not matter and I will do alphabetical or date or such.
This gets me because I was filling out a survey for my local library and I said they are the most important institution after city hall and the post office.
I read it as replace doctors but yeah. I mean even current crappy ai chatbots can increase the productivity of a human. Granted we have thinned our systems in prioritizing efficiency over quality that Im not sure if we will see much of an effect till we have a society were people are relatively satisfied with its functioning.
This is pretty significant considering photosynthesis from most plants will degrade and even stop at higher temperatures. We have known about it but other plants using a different type of photosynthesis will still be able to do it. This however sounds like it would effect all plants regardless. Granted maybe I sound to light but you know. Fucked a bit harder.
I actually consider myself very lucky. You see if I had not spent 5 years graduating with a second major and had not wasted a year in a PhD program and a few years in my initial major which did not work out. If I had not done that and instead grabbed a major that paid or just some certs and started working. Well then I might have been situated such that when I got married we might have went for kids. Luckily I kicked myself down the road into the new millenium where I could now see it was not a good idea.
nope but my lingo interpretation is way dated and by the time I uptake something its out of fashion.
If they ask americans canada is going to be the most common answer.
this makes me think of the dilbert where the lazy guy talks about reusing code from payroll on this project for airline software and warns his workmates to not fly on payday.