The proverbial chickens are coming home to roost
I've been going pretty hard on Darktide since I got it a few weeks ago. The gameplay is fun and the soundtrack goes hard, but im often frustrated by how bizzarely unstable it can be for a mainstream game. Beware the menu screens, for they will betray you. Once it took me 10 tries to get a sucessful launch without a blackscreen or freezelock.
It really is just the menus though, once you get into the game you're safe and it rules
ITT: People who did not pay attention to the Nordstream 2 bombing
At what point does being clowned on by an entire instance spur self-reflection?
Real "my girlfriend goes to another school" situation, except the girlfriend is their respect for other people
I'd rather hear you defend eight years of shelling and death squads in the Donbas🤔
Winning so hard that their big armored counteroffensive culminated with them losing ground lmao
Vulture capitalists want to buy assets for liquidation at rock bottom prices. This was part of the western impetus for starting the hostilities in the first place. They were hoping to draw the Russian Federation into an endless quagmire to juice war industry profits and hopefully collapse the RF government to get another nice lucrative round of shock therapy. Since the economic warfare effort backfired, the US has been contenting itself with absorbing the western european energy market while stripping Ukraine for assets.
I'm willing to entertain this notion if you extend it to America doing Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Unabomber. Oh, and also Ukraine did the Ukraine war by shelling and raiding the Donbas for 8 years.
"We're gonna kill all the Orks from the inferior shithole country, we're not fascists by the way, also uhh don't look at our unit patches."
RIP to the most hilariously ill-concieved submersible ever spawned by man's hubris. A figure not without controversy, but even it's most ardent critics must admit it went out with a bang.
Half of the US financial sector turn their organs of accumulation towards a war-torn proxy nation the US is almost ready to discard
You, a genius: Ah, this must be because the proxy is winning.
I have a bridge in South Vietnam to sell you