7 days to die on Xbox also Call of Duty DMZ.
Tell them to suck your dick and get a warrant, that is what I would do. Unconstitutional douchebags need to learn the constitution one insult at time.
At that point people should refuse to buy it until it hits 70 or 60. They are going recouperate their investment unless the game is trash.
Fuckin Tom MacDonald 😆
This is because the Government with Republicans and Neo Liberals are about business interests over the American people. People need to just start sharing their denials from United healthcare every time they right a piece how Luigi is evil. So tired of this bullshit. And here is another thought pro lifers need to start protesting for universal healthcare to be consistent.
It’s crazy it was still salvageable after being uprooted so long.
Expect a 5-4 majority where John “Susan Collins” Roberts votes against it so he can pretend he cared.
It was before Trump, George W. Bush turned Americans into unthinking morons.
You are talking about things that have been lightly studied,