Inakubalika by Matata.
This is a song that makes me want to move my hips.
Thanks for the feedback!
My piano technique book from 1960 I purchased from a second hand store. I bought it and have been teaching myself piano.
Thank You! I changed the port settings and used the "d" flag and it's working.
That's hilarious. Also, it turns out that I'm dumb. Fortunately, someone else provided the real context. Have a nice day!
For context, KDE (Kool Desktop Environment) is a style of desktop for Linux operating systems. The Linux desktop can look like whatever you want. It could look like Windows 11 or MacOS or something completely different. (I'm over simplifying)
I think the post processing is great. It's an amazing photo: far more artistic than any of mine.
Excellent photo!
Sock stocks! What a splendid idea!
How did you do in your second week?
I had to think of questions to these answers after they were asked. The only things that I already knew were it was a red stress ball and that it was a cheaply made wooden table. I imagined that the ball simply began rolling towards the edge of the table. The person was amorphous at best.
I don't think I have aphantasia, but I do think I have a weak imagination. When I try to conjure an object or place, it's always like I'm peering through a keyhole. Like an image with too much vignette. The objects are usually non-descript and are more like concepts than things.