submitted 1 week ago by KayLeadfoot@fedia.io to c/videos@lemmy.world

Tesla’s Cybertruck just made its grand debut at Mardi Gras 2025, and, well… it didn’t go great. Watch the Video: The Crowd Was Not Having It A group of Cybertrucks rolled through the Orpheus Parade, a generally tame, family-friendly event known for marching bands, fabulous floats, and an all-around good time. But when the small […]

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 1 points 1 week ago

Today I larnt!

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 6 points 1 week ago

You need to log in to view Reddit videos? SHIT. I did not realize that.

Give me a minute, I'll swap that out, now I feel like a dick, I thought Reddit was just an easy way to host videos.

Arghhh, that actually really jams me up, I link a TON of Reddit videos in my articles, didn't think to check while not logged into Reddit. Welcome to the future, where every piece of technology fucking blows.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 7 points 1 week ago

Bahaha, they'll need a long disclaimer. YMMV sort of language. The orange Cybertruck, they were live-streaming from inside of it, I guess. Influencers were driving it. They showed off the damage in their video, looks like a cracked windshield and roof on their "bulletproof" truck.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 2 points 1 week ago

I hear you! That's very interesting to know about RFP, that term is 100% new to me. Makes a lot of sense.

Point taken. Article amended with a thank you for your more specific terminology.

Have a good one.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 2 points 1 week ago

I am simply flabbergasted to find that you are correct about KIA.

Collected information: Health, sex life, or sexual orientation.



We saw an interesting press release from the National Fire Protection Association, they released an EV firefighting video game for free with the help of a private developer and a Department of Energy grant. So far, more than a million firefighters have used the game to learn about fighting EV fires.

Well, that pitch was irresistible to us. We wanted to know more about how EVs work in emergencies, and we get to play video games to do it? Awesome, count me in, let the games begin. Here's how the game plays and what we learned from it.


Thought y'all might find this interesting, if you like automotive tech.

We all know automakers want to keep tabs on their cars. Stolen vehicle tracking? Sure. Fleet management? Fine. Microphone eavesdropping to serve more ads? Hate it, but OK, that’s a thing.

Hold onto your tin-foil hats: Ford just published a patent for something that takes vehicle tracking into full-blown Twilight Zone territory.

(If this sort of post is unwelcome, just let me know and I can remove it, or y'all can remove it with no worries.)


We all know automakers want to keep tabs on their cars. Stolen vehicle tracking? Sure. Fleet management? Fine. Microphone eavesdropping to serve more ads? Hate it, but OK, that’s a thing. Hold onto your tin-foil hats: Ford just filed a patent for something that takes vehicle tracking into full-blown Twilight Zone territory. Always-On Tracking… In Your Car, or Somebody Else’s.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 3 points 2 weeks ago

TL;DR: Yes, it is shit.

submitted 2 weeks ago by KayLeadfoot@fedia.io to c/news@beehaw.org

Tesla has finally updated its self-driving software in China, but it’s not exactly what long-waiting FSD customers were hoping for. According to Reuters, the new system, called Urban Road Autopilot Assistance, rolled out after weeks of rumors that the Full-Self Driving (FSD) supervised system would finally launch in China. Here's video and analysis.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 2 points 3 weeks ago

I think it's news cycle in this case. Felt like how a looter would fire the department, "wait until nightfall" deal


Update: We broke this news over the weekend from a lucky catch on Reddit, but the Washington Post and TechCrunch are expanding on it, citing anonymous sources. They report that 10% of the NHTSA employees have been cut, which would be about 80 staffers, with especially heavy cuts for the employees in the new office overseeing autonomous vehicle safety.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 1 points 3 weeks ago

LOL, I dishonestly flagged it for the reader to review themselves? Wow, I must be a real piece of shit.

So anyhow, you're an honest person, so if I'm a lying bastard with some non-specific ulterior motive (or I just really fuckin suck at math), what's your number when you run the stats with one fewer fire fatality in the Cybertruck column? Does it change the overall meaning of the study, or nah?


We now have a full year of data for the Cybertruck, and a strange preponderance of headlines about Cybertrucks exploding into flames, including several fatalities. That’s more than enough data to compare to the Ford Pinto, a car so notoriously combustible that it has become a watchword for corporate greed. Let’s start with the data...


Last week, Ars Technica broke the news that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) quietly took down their 2022 crash data, for the rumored purpose to scrub gender data from its Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). At the time, the records had simply vanished from the public database, leaving only speculation... now that the data has been reposted, we see that Ars Technica had it exactly right.


Here’s a story you all saw coming. If a new model pickup truck is on the road for any amount of time, somebody is going to ram a deer with it! What makes this collision unique is the pickup truck in question: a 2024 Tesla CyberTruck. The headline tells much of the […]

submitted 3 weeks ago by KayLeadfoot@fedia.io to c/news@lemmy.world

Dateline, Düsseldorf! In a move that’s sure to ruffle some feathers at Tesla HQ, a German court has officially ruled that Tesla’s Autopilot system is “unsuitable for use” due to a long-standing issue: phantom braking. You know, that fun little quirk where your car slams the brakes for no reason.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 2 points 3 weeks ago

Thanks Iceman. I loved your work in Top Gun.

I think you touch on something important here. Some folks say the sample size is too small, on a strict statistical basis. Automotive safety works on different scales, often fast-paced decisions are made about auto safety and we don't wait around for "statistical significance" in an academically rigorous sense.

Ironically, the smallest production run of cars to receive a recall in the United States (that I could find) was... the Ford Pinto, because the accelerator pedal got stuck! That was its first year of production. All 26,000 were recalled 2 months after the model was released.

DOUBLE ironic... the smallest production run of pickup trucks to receive a recall in the United States (that I could find) was... the Tesla Cybertruck! ALSO because the accelerator pedal got stuck! All 4,000 were recalled a few months after deliveries started at scale, in the first full year of production.

Isn't that funny? History doesn't repeat itself, but it is basically a dirty limerick. And what an awful chapter of automotive history to repeat, our vehicles should be vastly safer in 2025 than they were in 1971.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 2 points 3 weeks ago

Since I'm half-intelligent, I won't pretend to understand most what you're saying here.

I don't think the article linked is nonsense, though. It certainly isn't leftist anything, miss me with that.

But... importantly... There is a statistically correct way to complete the following sentence:

"The Tesla Cybertruck is ______ times more/less explosive than the Ford Pinto."

If you disagree with my answer to that question, what is your answer? I showed my math, I even invite the readers to re-run the equation. If you re-run it, what do you come up with? I bet your answer will be informative and helpful to the conversation about EV safety, two elements that are the "sugar," "spice," and "everything nice" about good reporting.

[-] KayLeadfoot@fedia.io 2 points 3 weeks ago

Hey, boss... If you say my name and don't knock on wood, I show up.

This place seems nice! I might post here in the future.

I do not hate EVs. Read my reviews of the Tesla Model 3, the new Dodge Charger EV, and the F-150 Lightning. If you don't like to read, the TL;DR is that I very much like each vehicle. Like many pickup truck people, I specifically do not like the Cybertruck, but that's because it's a lousy vehicle.

You should keep an open mind - just because you disagree with me, doesn't mean I have some unreasonable bias. I may have followed evidence to a different conclusion.

I do smile when Tesla fans ask me to announce my name. I already did! I'm Kay Leadfoot. You can learn more about me on my About page, which has definitely been there since Day 1. Unrelated to anything, please don't call me dude.

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