[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 5 points 2 weeks ago

I didn't say MWO was dead.

To be fair here, your post was about 95% indistinguishable to the group of people that went around in late 2013 to early 2014 that MWO was a "dead game". I've been playing MWO since closed beta, and was pretty active in the community then (and still am now), so I remember a lot of the major stuff that happened back then and throughout the years. Like there's a lot I can give shit towards PGI, but at the end of the day I can't be too hard on the people that finally told Harmony Gold to legally fuck off.

I misheard, then, if what you say is true.

Everything I said there only came out shortly after PGI bought themselves back from IGP so around 2015 I think it was, and they stopped just short (but still absolutely were) of throwing IGP under the bus.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I probably wrote that very sloppily, but I was more pointing out the federation had always been on some incredibly shaky ground morally speaking.

Edit: the charitable interpretation is that Wolf-359 was the reality check to get Starfleet to stop using the Miranda class.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I also forgot something else, during this time in trek there were some let's say very interesting interpretations of the prime directive. So if the federation and Starfleet knew about the cardassian's brutal occupation of Bajor before Wolf-359 even happened, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they publicly took issue with it and privately didn't do much because it would be "messing with an internal matter of another nation". Which is one of the things the PD prohibits doing.

Edit: Good god do I want to go on a rant at how useless the prime directive is on a morality level.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 5 points 3 months ago

Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0, let's fucking go!

I mean yeah, we're all going to die horribly from that, but we can at laugh at it.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 6 points 3 months ago

Yes and no, it's a bit complicated on the financial side of things.

Short of it is that I still live with my parents (we've come to an understanding that there was a lot of fucking up that happened, and they've also left religion too) and my 3 siblings. 5 of us are working, and I make the most out of everyone, and also the most stable income. The financial problems are that city (a rural city mind you) has decided that they're all of a sudden going to start enforcing building code after years of not giving a rats ass, since there was a seemingly astroturfed movement to start gentrifying the city in a way.

So we're staring down a $30,000 cost to have repairs done on a house that we know for a fact has a lot more wrong with it than what city has cited as being out of code.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 6 points 4 months ago

Boggles my mind so many libs can't see it.

Simple, they see Trump as a fluke.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 5 points 4 months ago

Namco made Ace Combat: Assault Horizon with QTEs

The game committed a lot of sins, and the QTEs were the least of it. It included much worse than that, including...

  • an AC-130 mission
  • several times during several missions that you have to be locked onto a rail to progress the mission
  • the entire DFM/ASM mechanic (this kills the game more than the QTEs)
  • The bomber mission...
  • The final ace duel just being a really long on rails section.

And that's just off the top of my head.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 4 points 4 months ago

I would say it's one of two or both of the following. Firstly being that movies (and to a degree TV shows) have a hefty bit of prestige heaped on them by society, the same way that old paintings and sculptures have prestige. And that video games are still treated like children's toys by society's 'arbiters' of what is and isn't high art. A way to put it would be to compare something like the oscars (or even the emmys) to the whatever the equivalent for games have, just watching and comparing is night and day. One puts up and really cares about the aesthetic of legitimately caring about it's art form, while the other is still largely an advertisement vehicle.

The second reason is unions, essentially because if a studio decides to remaster an old movie, they may as well go out of their way to get the guy who directed it and ect. on board because they likely have to pay them anyways when it hits store shelves (for example like $1 per dvd sold, and movie ticket sold so on and so on. Though not that exact amount but you get the picture).

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries has a kind of weirdly restrained straight-faced satire going on

This is kinda a new thing for Battletech in general, especially for a game taking place around the time spanning the 3rd and 4th Succession War. Which is a bit strange as BT lore is normally not written like that. Like in the actual handbooks (that were written in the 80s and 90s) straight up portrayed Davion and Steiner as right and just in starting the 4th Succession War.

Let's not even get into the whole premise of the universe is literally just 'Oops, the Roman Empire fell because Space Hitler got power, and now everybody started fighting for control of that chair and thusly lost a lot of tech along the way'.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 5 points 7 months ago

With mech games, the people who want the aesthetics of a mech game without the main alleged downside sadly outnumber the people who want the mech games of old.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 5 points 9 months ago

"Spare the rod, spoil the child." Is typically the justification of it, which itself rather ironically enough is an offshoot of a bible verse. Proverbs 13:24 to be exact. Which at that point you're at dealing with decades to centuries of deep rooting with this line of thought.

[-] KhanCipher@hexbear.net 5 points 10 months ago

There are people ~~here~~ who start malding if you talk shit about ~~Dark Souls~~ any popular fromsoft game from Dark Souls onwards lmao

Fixed it.

Which that qualification just excludes AC4, ACFA, AC5, and ACVD... problem now is if you try to talk shit about armored core 6 you now have a bunch of souls tourists jumping you like you talked shit about dark souls.

And yes I will die on the hill saying armored core 6 is just not much of an armored core game.

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