[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 week ago

Lol, I got mine yesterday. I'd always felt sooooo left out.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 week ago

Body armor typically covers from around the belly button to around the manubrium of the sternum. The reason I don't think the body armor thing is true true is because of the indents just under the breast/nipple area. Unless the vest is reeeally shaped like that, those curves would not show up. I think back to when I was wearing body armor and remember a pretty obvious line on the front portion where there was an obtuse angle formed as the shirt met the stiff portion and cascaded downwards, but no odd curves where the shirt was pulled tight after that, just wrinkles and folds where the fabric was loose.

Now, that being said, if this is super light body armor (and he's probably enough of an idiot to wear a level I vest and think it's enough), those might show up. The oddities on the back of the shirt do make it appear that something is going on underneath. The thick black line where the shirt is folding inwards could be because of the bottom of a vest, as it lies just around the level of the navel, as you'd expect with body armor. Just in front of the left elbow is another dark patch, which could be due to the fabric being pushed outwards around the location where the straps attach.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 month ago

I think the impact, if any, that it has on the viewer depends on their answer to that question. I enjoyed the movie, but thought the characters acted like emotionally rife teenagers, and that the decisions they made were wrong. I've never felt like rewatching it. I'd make a bet that all of the others in the comments who absolutely loved the movie agreed with the characters' ultimate decisions.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 month ago

It's because most of the people who have access, or would have access, are comfortable. The majority of people who undertake actions that will render them Public Enemy #1 are in a religious fervor, situations they think are unbearable or will end them anyway, or are hyped by the (sometimes real) thought that they are acting with the social support of everyone they care about. Luigi, as an example, supposedly suffers from horrible pain in his back, and likely thought that most agreed with him on the evil qualities of healthcare insurers.

Government employees are generally well paid and have good benefits. They'll have families or significant mental/emotional investments in things that they don't want to see suffer because of their actions. Even in the most liberal/progressive of areas, there will also be enough colleagues/associates around that would lick trump's feces to ruin thoughts that 'the majority' of people would support their actions. The ones who are about to be fired may be pushed into a category above, but by that point they'll have that potential access cut off.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 month ago

Oh, man, I need to go back and play more of sunless sea. I always gave up after the first failure or two as a captain.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 month ago

It's obviously sarcasm, but people can get more upshits by pretending to not know and write a pissy comment 'reproving' the sarcastic comment.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 month ago

Which one? I see three in the last 12 years. I'm guessing it's the 2024 one?

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 month ago

I don't have the original N64 golden cartridge anymore (there's a fun story, involving an insane fundamentalist christian mother), but did play both the 'Master' edition and the 'original' edition that they put together on a gamecube disc. I remember that the 'master' edition water temple was easier than the original, despite the point of 'master' being that everything was harder.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 1 month ago

2? You mean majora's mask?

Oh, you mean the very first games. I never got to play through those for real. My first was ocarina of time. I tried LoZ2 on the super disc that you got with wind waker on the gamecube, but I was still young enough (and spoiled from ocarina, majora's mask, and wind waker) that I didn't really get into it and beat it.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 3 months ago

This is why you have to introduce the concepts of mimics or demons that have access to change shape. Otherwise the party always frees the chained up maiden in the dungeon without asking any questions. Alternatively, if there is a rogue, you don't have to worry. They'll try their best to convince the others that they'll get xp for stabbing the prisoner.

[-] Kitathalla@lemy.lol 2 points 3 months ago

I'm not sure how old the image is, but I know many states (since this shit only happens in one place, it seems) have made laws requiring rape kits to be paid for by the police, even if you don't want a report. I don't exactly remember how it works, but you do have to report the crime to the police, so the hospital paperwork gets handled, but you don't have to have suffer through the interview of a detective or the DA's office.

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