Notably, though, not from anyone really in a leadership position. Where's Biden calling a governor and asking him to help him out, just a little? Where's the senators and party board screaming about it?
Plot twist, that's just the furry and his long-term lover just activated the remote controlled tail buttplug he has in.
Poor anon. Now he has to live with the knowledge that his past history has led his little brother to the same tree with the same fruit he ate. That delicious, delicious fruit.
It's the face of effort. Dude probably doesn't get off of the computer chair very much, and lifting his arms above the 'loose hang, elbows bent, wrists resting on desk' takes a lot of effort, and thus the grimace from struggling.
Oh, lol, sorry. I thought you meant how the 'knot' and 'weed' fit into current internet culture. A lot of plants have names that probably don't make much sense to us. Apparently in its native Japan, there are 689 terms for it! Damn. I noticed that another english name for it is Donkey Rhubarb, which immediately makes me think of other things, and I'm now realizing I spend way too much time on the internet. /facepalm
On the internet, everything vaguely dog-like has a big, thick penis with an even bigger, thicker bulb at the bottom of it. I've heard it's perfect for prissy subs everywhere as you love-fuck them into a drooling mess only to 'tie' them at the end as you howl your alpha-dominant status to the echoing world of your 10ftx10ft, $1500/mo ~~room~~apartment.
The amount of scathing that a canopy company gets when a skydiver hits hard is particularly dependent on their quality. Most of us who skydive read the death/injury reports regularly, and when the equipment was at fault it (the report) gets nasty. Here's a link if anyone is curious to read through some of them. The majority are going to be the fault of the loon jumping out of a plane, but every now and then you'll see an equipment failure. Most of those, even, are due to poor maintenance and upkeep, not manufacturer sleaziness.
That looks like a delicious chocolate pudding.
but it’s actually not as bad or ghoulish as it sounds
We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. I think decisions made solely for making the company's cost as low as possible while actively choosing to not care about issues just because their chance is low (we've all seen fight club, right? [If A > B where B=cost of paying out * chance of occurrence and A=cost of recall, no recall]) even if devastating are ghoulish.
I got 15 pairs of socks this morning. It was a pretty good haul!
If the rules are the same everywhere, they would do what every other competent place that has procedures that need to be followed does, and post them at the front. The fact that a TSA bitch has to stand there and tell you what to do means they've already failed.
It's already possible to see if you really want to look. Friendica is just another way.