The point is women's proletarianization and emancipation didn't happen to increase profits of the capitalist class and it certainly wasn't granted to increase profits by paying them less in factories or wherever else. It happened because of changes in material condition due to industrialization and pressure from women to have equal part in their proletarianization. Wartime conditions made that more easily possible because interests of society, state and also preservation of capitalist order triumphed short term profit motives and found social support due to reality on the ground and "home front" but that's exactly why it didn't happen to increase profits.
It is true that capitalists conceded this to prevent revolution and indeed didn't even fully concede it since a large part of unpaid labor was and still is rested on women, such as housework and child rearing or has its costs burdened by public while its profits are taken by state such as food aid, maternity aid, child benefits and other forms of welfare. However these are not because capitalists included women in labor pool to increase their profits but to cut costs of women in labor pool. Khamenei is promoting a common and false idea that women in workplace reduced the wages in general and was a ploy by the capitalists or something similar. It wasn't and it wasn't a minimalist change either.
As for profit interest, it is always short term. That's also why destroying the planet might not seem realistic but it is ultimately what is happening. In case of women, industrialization and disenfranchisement of women destroyed women's livelihoods and created conditions that allowed complete entrapment of women in households where before they were participants in if not equal. It would both figuratively and literally destroy women but that was ultimately not acceptable to society or women. That's not because of any clemency or trick by the capitalists, the trick is making people believe women are allowed to work because capitalists made it possible.
First rule of Victoria 3 and really any Paradox game is that there are tons of data and a lot of things happening which can be overwhelming but learning the game is just filtering out what matters from a bunch of things that don't matter. More you play the more you can realize what matters so it's easier to find out what doesn't, that's all. Can't really learn it without first playing it badly.