Still remember Jimmy Fallon petting trump's hair
There's a scene where the MC and the blond guy go into the city and she older men start hitting on them. Classic implication of queer people being predatory.
You know, for a series that works with themes of being marginalized, misunderstood, scapegoated, and othered, Persona (3-5) really go out of their way to fuck up. It's all about teenagers figuring themselves out and persona 2 has the only canonically queer character who isn't a punchline.
Society bad unless it's to make a cheap queerphobic joke.
They have the rwby/DC crossover, so I'm assuming they'll just implement that into other media franchises until everything is just average.
I want to see Ultimecia's backstory expanded. Not in a redemptive way, but as an exploration of the worldbuilding of the setting.
I appreciate that somebody else is cyoa-pilled.
I pick the Wilds Pill and the Mimic Pill.
I'll live alone away from society and do voice work occasionally.
That is horrifyingly sad.
I saw a turkey vulture. It was during my lunch break, so I got to enjoy seeing it on my own. Just made me appreciate the world.
I've been thinking a lot about what feels like 'enough' for me. It gets overwhelming sometimes living in a society that demands productivity. I don't have enough by the standards of capitalism, but it was nice in that moment to know that in the grand scheme of things, in the world I want to help build, just seeing that freaky bird would be enough for me.
It's something I'd have liked as a kid, just seeing a wild animal doing its thing. It's nice to know that things can go back to that and it gave me a lot to reflect on as far as finding moments like that to make me happy again
Not even just games either. I still think of the trainwreck that was the Disney Star Wars sequel series.
All of the course correction, changes in production and writing, and the lack of any plans just blows my mind. To have this money making machine, Disney's budget and resources, and that's what we got.
And it's because of trend chasing and focus groups that don't give any meaningful information. It's just trying to get a return on investment.
Like yeah the movies got money, but nobody saw the trilogy as perfect, let alone comparable to the other trilogies.
An official translation is on the switch online
I would say that if people were set for life in a more humane, egalitarian society, one can choose to opt into experiments without there being financial incentives to ruin informed consent.
Volunteering in this society with how they treat test subjects (a term that's already loaded as fuck) is letting an unchecked researcher and/or corporation to fuck you up and deny responsibility while waiting you out in court.