When people told me they hated dying in a nuclear holocaust or (far worse) that they were “not fans,” I wish I had said in no uncertain terms: “I love dying in a nuclear holocaust. I am in awe of it. I am set free by it. It will be the finest event our galaxy has ever seen.”
I too pictured a red, featureless Lenin sitting at a cafe in Iraq
Chey Gweyvara, folks. What a guy! Brought down Crooked Fulgêncio, remember him? Boy, he was nasty, really NASTY guy, Fulgêncio. And the Cuban people said "get him out of there!" and they did, they freed Cuba. Nobody thought it could be done, but they did it. Then they made a big wall with Chey's face on it, that's how tremendous he was. He wasn't even Cuban, and they put his face on a big wall. And the lying media says he hated the gays, can you believe that?
It's hard to directly compare games like this unless they're in the same genre, but Outer Wilds is what came to mind immediately.
Esmailelbob is also a reactionary.
Unfortunately every other instance on that list is either down all the time or most of the time.
maybe she went like this
It's so funny seeing the most homophobic people alive lecture LGBT people on which side they should be standing with
The independence breakaway opponent:
Pro-China, pro-Israel, pro-Ukraine in the Donbass war but pro-Russia in the Russia-Ukraine war
Ancaps when the
when the corporate conglomerate that owns their house demands they pay the property ~~tax~~ fee or else they go to private jail (it's not a state)
This is beautiful. This is Slammer's Garden of Earthly Delights