I actually read somewhere that Archer did nothing wrong and afterward I began remembering all these scenes haha.

Archer did nothing wrong

As an Archer fan… bwahaha. He knew it was wrong, there’s too much dialog around suspending moral codes and the like.

Eg one of my fave episodes Harbinger:

PHLOX: Captain, this man is dying a painful death. To keep him conscious is unethical.

ARCHER: Until I get the answers I need, we're going to have to bend a few ethics.

PHLOX: Very well, I'll do what I can.

DAX: I hope you're not holding back because I'm a woman. If it makes things any easier, think of me as a man. I've been one several times.

think of me as a man. I've been one several times.

We could do this all day, I just reached for this example because of my recent run Gowron of episodes 🖖


They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my ~~pain~~ privacy taken away. I need my ~~pain~~ privacy!

Buffertime episode was the one where I became hooked.

The show consistently delivered until the very end, at least for me.

My only petty gripe is when I recently rewatched an episode: Riker comments about seeing Archer and the gang in the holodeck and now that I've seen ENT...I don't want to be reminded of the finale. I told you it was petty!

5 seasons and a movie, make it so!

Give them Andor instead of Ahsoka; they need to make more content that speaks to the universal human condition and less about the cool worlds and characters they've got. The people want Squid Game and Severance, not another cinematic universe.

Another victory for the peoples court, hear hear Clapping


House of Quark is a high point where he saves Quark’s life and allows a Klingon woman to inherit her own house.

Tacking Against The Wind is a low point where he is reduced to a cartoonish mustache-twirler.

That, to me, is the real tragedy of Mass Effect, looking back through this new lens. BioWare seems to have borrowed many concepts from Revelation Space, but very little of it is explored with any depth, and none of the ideas are given new twists that improve upon them.

Damn, didn’t expect a thoughtful analysis of Revelation Space and its impact on Mass Effect.

But since Mass Effect avoided most of the extra weird stuff, the ending of Mass Effect 3 never really had a chance to be good.

Ahh, can’t talk about ME without addressing the ~~elephant in the room~~ the controversial ending.

Good read 👍

A history of violence (startrek.website)

Possibly unpopular opinion: Harbinger is one of the absolute best episodes of Enterprise

Children, we ride for stovokor

So ultimately, I feel like what we’re saying is that in order for Starfleet and that beautiful vision that Roddenberry had of this optimistic utopia, in order for that vision to exist, in order for the light to exist, you need people who operate in the shadows. And it’s a yin and yang. You can’t have one without the other.

I don’t like this sort of mother-goosery in my fully automated luxury gay space communism.

I prefer the assimilating power of root beer as the true defender of the federation.

ghoti shall set us free (startrek.website)

These episodes live rent-free in my head.

[-] MalikMuaddibSoong@startrek.website 29 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Locking up the community on they’re way out may have been well coordinated, but it isn't well received.

It feels a lot more like capitalism than community: Listen up, I own the deed to this community and my property rights are supreme.

I guess I joined lemmy just in time for all the chisme 🫖☕

Edit: a word

After a dip I to that rabbit hole, perhaps I spoke too quickly...

Ya they smeared the 9/11 on real thick. Blew my mind to learn they were ahead of the curve on the torture:

The episode debuted nearly two years before Americans ever heard the words "enhanced interrogation."



They cranked it up way past 10, all the way to 24.


I look at you, and I see the person I was three years ago. The explorer that my father wanted me to be. I lost something out there, and I don't know how to get it back.

This one hit me hard after everything that happened.

His imdb page is suprisingly prolific https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0000538/ 151 roles since 1973 is a pretty damn good run.


I'm finding it a very root-beer-flavored entry in the franchise.

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