Quick someone animate it ~~for the masses~~, ~~for the children~~, for me!

Is it wrong to introduce new digraphs? No, it is the þ that is wrong.

I can’t believe I accidentally promoted proprietary software, when I should be promoting Ensign Kim!

Tell me we're on lemmy without telling me we're on lemmy 😂

I just looked up the Gowron episodes on memory alpha then looked up the ratings on imdb.

Sorry if I missed some, it’s a sloppy process on mobile.

I stared at this so long I was late for my meeting

Wow good guess, so it’s 3 songs then. Those 2 plus particle man.

If we’re going to take that last shot literally, Baraam is warp-capable

Wow. Turns out I walked away after “Your Mama IV” and completely missed this final shot of the space station going to warp.

Thanks, I hate it.

I think mirror Burnham and Lorka tried to depose her way back in Disco S1, but maybe I am misremembering.

I’m hung up on how utterly ridiculous the succession was portrayed.

I like Star Trek and I’m trying to find the silver lining here, but I just come up empty handed.

she was chosen to rule the Terran empire

Administer 15 mg of damnatio memoriae to the previous regime, stat!

Kolos, at the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor: psst it's me Martok, come round the back and I'll get you to Jadzia.

Oh man, you just made me relive the night my dad took me to see The Undiscovered Country opening night at the Chinese. Thanks for sharing and good luck.

What's the unit conversion between esper rating and midichlorian count?

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