Well, they certainly took pieces of the pyramids to museums in Britain, just not whole pyramids.
Muricans and science don´t mix ...
Just the cheap headline, which is obviously all about framing is enough for me to not read the article.
Fuck around (with nature) and find out. Even now big oil is thriving, SUVs are the best selling type of cars and greenwashing is the maximum of "commitment" we see from the corporations responsible for global warming, after they knew what they were doing for decades and kept the truth from us. Politicians from all parties do nothing serious to change it and only give us empty promises. At the same time people are hating on the youth when they risk their lives and health to protest for a change by gluing themselves to the road. Humanity had it coming for a long time and we absolutely deserve all of it. Worst part is imo that the people most responsible for the mess will also be the people least affected because they used the money they made by fucking us, to buy private islands, and build underground bunkers.
Only not buying games from such shameless companies can fix this. Stop buying from companies that try to make an ass out of you!
Dieses Maimai macht mich ganz betroffen. Soßenbinder bindet durch die enthaltene Speisestärke, also beispielsweise Maisstärke, Kartoffelstärke oder Reismehl. Ich benutze zwar keinen fertigen Soßenbinder aber binde wenn ich chinesisch koche oft mit Maisstärke Soßen ab. Der Trick um die Konsistenz zu kontrollieren besteht darin mehrmals, immer wieder nur eine ganz kleine Menge hinzuzugeben und die Soße danach kurz ordentlich aufkochen zu lassen um anschließend die Konsistenz zu prüfen. So erreichst du durch sukzessive Approximation mit ausreichender Genauigkeit die angepeilte Ziel-Konsistenz, jedenfalls wenn du die Schritte klein genug machst, also wirklich immer nur ganz wenig hinzugeben! Vorteil von Maisstärke ist die Freiheit von Zusatzstoffen. Nachteil ist das Maisstärke vor dem hinzugeben in ein wenig kaltem Wasser verrührt werden muss, weil es sonst zu Klumpenbildung kommen kann. Denk dran, Übung macht den Meister, du schaffst das!
Colonialism intensifies
I blame Hindu-nationalism.
Don´t you know that when Azov was integrated into the Ukrainian military they instantly transformed into fighters for democracy, equality of LGBTQI+ people and protectors of the freedom of all minorities? /s (Believe it or not, this is what people on reddit will tell you when you point out that Azov are Neonazis)
Yet another another isolated incident?!
We are not talking about Tibetan butter tea salt levels here. In the article it is recommended to use just enough salt to tone down the bitterness by blocking the bitterness receptors on the tongue, not so much that the tea actually tastes salty.