Time to double down in the worst and most hostile way and get permabanned from the site
The security program overflowed its own buffer!
If heterosexuality was a beer 😂😂😂
Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
New heights of !., most likely coming
What if we got the libs to roll out the just this one time.........
Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong isn't that thick of a book
This is so fucked
Their FB page is filled with obviously botted reviews
I really hope this is an elaborate bit, I watched one of their landleech "testimonial" vids and it didn't seem obviously generated by AI, he was boasting about increasing his monthly yield of blood by 80% using some of these
Edit, addendum:
Website is extremely sus imo
Filled with stock photos/photos ripped from other places and the videos they have of people "reviewing" their pods look like carefully edited-down reviews people have made of capsule hotels, this shit is definitely a scam
Although actually maybe they're just reselling/"dropshipping" capsule hotel pods to landlords tbh, I saw some similar photos on Alibaba product listings
Landleech dropshipping scheme lmao, what an incredible variety of parasites our society has produced
We even have have parasites that feed on other parasites
Cheating opsec lmao
Just putting this here:
To be clear, this image is from a speech he gave 5 years ago
I guess it was raining or something so they put him in a cube lol